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Questions Related To Land Registry

  • Pages missing on TP1 By Guest on 14/11/2019

    We are in the process of selling our property and the buyers solicitor has noticed that sections 11 & 12 are missing on TP1 that our solicitor sent to them We dont seem to have the original is this a problem. Can the solicitor obtain a new copy


    Land Registry
  • Removing a restriction By Guest on 10/11/2019

    My ex got a loan whilst not with me and apparently did not pay it. Because his name is still on the mortgage back in 2012 a restriction was added to land registry so when my partner now tried to take over the mortgage we were not able to. My ex has no ...

    Land Registry
  • Panel 11 of Land Registry Form TR1 By Guest on 09/11/2019

    I am gifting my home to my daughter. Can I put a condition in Panel 11 of TR1 that if my daughter dies without any children then the property must be returned to me and/or to my two sisters who brought up my daughter, if we are still alive?...

    Land Registry
  • Proving a 75%/25% ownership. By Guest on 08/11/2019

    My husband and I own our house outright. I put in lots of equity and we had a paper explaining I own 75% and he owns 25%.I cannot find the paperwork and the solicitor who drew it up has died and the firm is closed. I need something drawn up.


    Land Registry
  • Plan document showing my boundaries By Guest on 07/11/2019

    My document provided has a boundary incorrectly marked can I have it replaced


    Land Registry
  • Indemnity covenant on land registry entry By Guest on 06/11/2019

    My husband and I have just got back together but in between he has made a will that does not include me and there is now a indemnity covenant on the house with the land registry, can is still apply for joint rights or does this preclude me from doing s...

    Land Registry
  • Ground floor flat, but on deeds is says first floor flat. , By Guest on 06/11/2019

    We are in process of selling our flat but solicitor says land registry has it as first floor flat when in fact it is ground floor, could this be a big problem or can land registry confirm from lease and address of flat that it in fact ground floor? Is ...

    Land Registry
  • Commercial land registry By Guest on 05/11/2019

    hi I have signed a TP1 form with the seller and don’t know how can I register it. If I have a solicitor and the seller does not, which documents should he supply to my solicitor ?


    Land Registry
  • Which standard form restriction to use? By Guest on 04/11/2019

    My husband owns a house. Last year his ex was given 50% beneficial interest in the house in TOLATA proceedings. Previous t this I invested a large sum into the house to pay off mortgage arrears, home improvements, etc. I am now submitting RX1 and UN1, but...

    Land Registry
  • Land registration problem By Guest on 04/11/2019

    I buyed land from another person....unfortunately v didn't register to my name.. But I have power of attorney to the land etc.. Bills in my name.. Now I want to register to my name.. But we don't were here is now.. Dead r alive. So how to register ...

    Land Registry
