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Questions Related To Land Registry

  • lending money to a friend By Guest on 25/08/2015

    What is the easiest way to secure a short term loan for a purchase of a property? the loan will be paid within 3 months....

    Land Registry
  • Power of attorney name vs land registry name By Guest on 17/08/2015

    The seller of a property has granted power of attorney, on this document she added a second middle name that she used but was not born/registered as, Land Registry has her property listed with only one middle name, the sellers solicitor is advising is to ...

    Land Registry
  • tr1 form By Guest on 08/08/2015

    do i have to sign section 8 , before i get any money from sale of my flat on section 8 of tr1 form...

    Land Registry
  • Transfer of deeds By Guest on 05/08/2015

    We would like to transfer the deeds of our flat in to my mums name, how does this work with the lease and ground maintenance?...

    Land Registry
  • Deed of Assent By Guest on 03/08/2015

    My conveyancer is asking for the Deed of Assent for the property I inherited. I do not remember a document of that description. Is it the document 'Registration' returned by the LR after the Administrator used AS1 etc to xfer the property? Thanks...

    Land Registry
  • how do i know if i am tenant in common By Guest on 31/07/2015

    how do I know if I own my home as a joint tennant...

    Land Registry
  • By Guest on 29/07/2015


    Land Registry
  • Removing my husbands name from the title deeds of the house By Guest on 28/07/2015

    My husband wants to remove his name from the joint ownership of our house in my favour. There is no loan on the house. He has estranged children and as I have contributed the miss he wants the house to be mine...

    Land Registry
  • Section 157 housing act 1985 By Guest on 21/07/2015

    Can I have a section 157 housing act 1985 clause removed from the title absolute of my property to enable it to be sold to someone from outside the area? If this is possible could you please recommend how this is done? ...

    Land Registry
  • Deceased father's name still on freehold title 30 years after his death By Guest on 20/07/2015

    Before our father's death the family home was split into three flats one for each sibling on a 999 year lease. Upon father's death the will bequeathed all three to equal share of the estate which was the properties they were living in. Probate went throug...

    Land Registry
