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Questions Related To Land Registry

  • TR1 Completion By Guest on 23/05/2022

    Following my divorce my ex wife wanted no interest in the property and a financial order was signed and agreed by a judge saying she had no financial agreement. Three years later after making no payments and seeing the value go up after improvements and p...

    Land Registry
  • Land Registry ID1 Form Verification Solicitors By Guest on 08/04/2022

    For anyone needing a solicitor to complete an ID1 Form (or ID2 Form) check out

    There's also solicitors listed offering it by video call using the ID5 Form....

    Land Registry
  • Peppercorn rent By Guest on 07/04/2022

    I am looking to purchase a property which has an additional .25 of an acre on a peppercorn rent which runs for 500 years and due to finish in 50 years I have informed that I can apply for a possession title with the current owner reference. who has lived ...

    Land Registry
  • adverse possession By Guest on 30/03/2022

    I purchased a house two years ago and the previous owner had applied for planning permission to buid an expension showing his ground plot bounded in red to the local authority.Based on that plan I wnated to build a wooden fence to hide very overgrown fre...

    Land Registry
  • TR1 deed signed in way of gift By Guest on 26/03/2022

    TR1 deed signed in way of gift but the person giving the land as a gift was blind ...

    Land Registry
  • Charge from 2004 to be removed on title deed. (company on title was dismantled and no longer exist) By Guest on 08/03/2022

    We are struggling to remortgage our place bought two years ago in Edinburgh because a charge from 2004 is shown on the title which isn’t acceptable for the new lenders.

    The solicitor used for the flat’s purchase advised me that the old charge co...

    Land Registry
  • Tp1 restriction By Guest on 04/03/2022

    We are selling a house and separate but adjoining piece of land in 2 separate transactions to 2 separate buyers. Our solicitor wants to put a restriction on tp1 meaning as far as I can tell that he would need a certificate of compliance in order to sell i...

    Land Registry
  • How long does it take before a UN1 will show on a Title Deed? By Guest on 02/03/2022

    Currently how long does it take for the UK Land Registry to add a UN1 (unilateral notice) to a Title Deed? ...

    Land Registry
  • LAWS regarding 3% SDLT. By Guest on 14/02/2022

    I am selling my main residence and Purchasing another main residence. My wife and I own another house which we bought just to let out and is still let out. Will I have to pay the additional 3% on my purchase of my new house we intend to live in?

    Land Registry
  • Weakness in Land Registry Restriction LL By Guest on 31/01/2022

    Could a fraudster, having stolen a property owner's identity, get around a Land Registry Form L restriction (where a conveyancer has to certify to LR that the seller is indeed the legal owner) by simply doing the conveyancing themselves?...

    Land Registry
