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Questions Related To Land Registry

  • How can I alter number of bedrooms at land registry? By Guest on 14/01/2021

    I bought my house which was advertised as 2 bed with attic. I have looked at the sold prices via Rightmove on our street and all the others say 3 or 4 bed apart from ours which says 2. They were all built at the same time, have exact layout the only diffe...

    Land Registry
  • HM Land Registry By Guest on 09/01/2021

    Deceased parent property is not registered with HM Land Registry, as an executor (1 of 2) hich form do I need to complete to register in joint names. Thankyou...

    Land Registry
  • Gifting a property By Guest on 09/01/2021


    Please can I ask you to help me with information on ‘Gifting’ my house jointly to my two sons, aged 37yrs & 35yrs. Both Single.
    The house is in the UK & is worth approximately £400,000 with no mortgage or loans attached.
    It was my main res...

    Land Registry
  • Is it possible to claim ownership of a property if the registered owner is not contactable and the house has been unoccupied for 30 years? By Guest on 27/12/2020

    I have searched the land registry and there is no registered title ? ...

    Land Registry
  • Schedule of leases - 3 other properties listed on my leasehold Title deeds By Guest on 22/12/2020

    I have accessed my title from Land registry for my leasehold terraced house and it lists 3 other properties in the same row of terraces (none of which are joined to my property) under the schedule of leases section. Does this mean I own the leases to the ...

    Land Registry
  • How to change the titles of 2 garages into one dwelling house? By Guest on 22/12/2020

    I bought 2 garages, which had each one a separate title from land registry, I managed to get a planning permission to demolish them and build a new dwelling house, which I did recently, how can I change the old titles (which are still shown as garages) to...

    Land Registry
  • Transfer of equity By Guest on 21/12/2020

    My partner and I are both mortgage free and wish to complete transfers of equity on both properties so that one property has 50/50 split and the other a 75/25 split. If we purchase your (3 month) product does this cover two properties or just one ?...

    Land Registry
  • Parking Rights of easement By Guest on 20/12/2020

    Right of Parking Easement can my 3 previous house & garage owners periods 8.09.1972 to 29.01.2002, be added to my 18yrs tenure and my parking outside of my freehold garage, on the other freeholders carpark land, with the combined use of the carpark space ...

    Land Registry
  • Help explain By Guest on 07/12/2020

    (07.08.2007) RESTRICTION: No disposition of the registered estate by
    the proprietor of the registered estate is to be registered without a
    written consent signed by the proprietor for the time being of the
    Charge dated 3 August 20...

    Land Registry
  • TP1 definitions and agreements By Guest on 02/12/2020

    My TP1 states " To pay the Management Company the Transferees Proportion on demand....". In the definitions, "the Transferees Proportion shall mean 1/74 of the management expenses". I am actually being billed for 1/64 of the expenses. I think that the pro...

    Land Registry
