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  • Land Registry By Guest on 24/07/2024

    Can I submit a FR1 if my neighbour has already done so for the same piece of land?...

    Land Registry
  • Fire Safety Act 2021 By Admin on 17/07/2024

    The Fire Safety Act 2021 introduced a number of changes to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (“RR(FS)O”), the most important of those (for conveyancers) being the amendment to article 6. Article 6 describes the extent to which the RR(FS)O...

  • Rentcharges By Admin on 17/07/2024

    What is a rentcharge?

    A rentcharge, as defined by s1 Rentcharges Act 1977, is “any annual or other periodic sum charged on or issuing out of land, except—
    (a)rent reserved by a lease or tenancy, or
    (b)any sum payable by way of interest.”. So in...

  • title deed also mentions care of under the ownership By Guest on 13/07/2024

    the property tilte deed mentioned the owner name and care of -the name of the company which manages the property, is this ok? will i have issue when selling out in the future?...

    Land Registry
  • How do I stop my subscription? By Donald Stewart on 02/07/2024

    There appears to be no way of cancelling my 3 monthly subscription but I do not need it any longer....

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Cancellation of services By malcolm_ireland on 21/06/2024

    I have cancelled my membership at the beginning of May but I am still able to log in and can see the account. Please confirm that the account is closed and no more money will be taken...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • two forms for two titles, although one is land belonging to house? By Guest on 17/06/2024

    I want to put my husband onto title deeds on my property. Some years ago we bought a very tiny piece of land from the neighbour, and now have an extra title for the 'land adjoining' our property. I make assumption that therefore we have to do the whole ...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Indemnity Policy still valid? By Guest on 12/06/2024

    I'm a first time buyer, nearing completion on buying my first flat. However my conveyancers have emailed me to say that as the lease plan is missing and the seller will not enter into a Deed of Variation with the landlord, the indemnity policies are requi...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • Is a seller's solicitor bound by law to disclose to the buyer detailed, untoward information about the property? By Guest on 12/06/2024

    I am selling a property and my solicitor has shared with the buyer detailed and untoward information about the property (obtained through a third party) He says he is bound by law to do so. He shared not a summary or a redacted version of the document b...

  • Wales? By Guest on 11/06/2024

    Do these contracts and advice cover Wales?...

    DIY Conveyancing
