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Questions Related To Land Registry

  • Alleyway By Guest on 16/10/2019

    My house was built in 1931 and is a midterrace consisting of four houses and there are four of these mid terrace blocks next to each other. The original conveyance has a picture of an alleyway running along the back of all the houses leading to a road eit...

    Land Registry
  • Selling Property and land in two lots, strip of land to neighbour remainder to buyer By Guest on 14/10/2019

    We are selling our property but have also sold a small piece of land to our neighbour, the TP1 for this strip has been logged with land registry we are now trying to exchange on our house and remaining land but we are being advised by the buyers solicitor...

    Land Registry
  • Transfer of equity into sole name By Guest on 14/10/2019

    Hi..... me and my husband have recently separated. We have agreed to transfer the equity from the house into my sole name and this has all been completed by a solicitor. However, I have recently been informed that on Divorce my husband can claim 50% of th...

    Land Registry
  • Removing a charge from a property. By Guest on 13/10/2019

    I have a charge on my house. The debt was fully repaid several years ago but the creditor has not informed the land registry. I have written to them to ask them to remove it but I have not received a reply. What can I do? ...

    Land Registry
  • What is effect of an inhibition in England? By Guest on 12/10/2019

    There is an inhibition on the title:
    (04.05.1990) INHIBITION:- No disposition or other dealing by the
    proprietor of the land is to be registered or any notice of
    deposit of the Land Certificate is to be entered on the register
    except under an order of...

    Land Registry


    Land Registry
  • Transfer of deeds Scotland By Guest on 07/10/2019

    I have a disposition in my name for the transfer of deeds to me but I don’t actually want to receive the property. What can I do to stop it? ...

    Land Registry
  • Transfer of land entry in the Title Register By Guest on 04/10/2019

    We are in the process of buying a house and have just discovered that part of the garden doesn't appear to be included within the boundary of any plans. There is an entry in the register dated 1996 referring to a transfer of land between two named parties...

    Land Registry
  • timescale for updating title plan By Guest on 04/10/2019


    Land Registry
  • Land Covenant By Guest on 03/10/2019

    All local residents in a former Council estate in West Ewell, Surrey were told by estate agents and the Council that the homes they were now buying from the Council were a really good deal. That partly to do with the cost of purchase offset by how many ye...

    Land Registry
