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Questions Related To Land Registry

  • notice of interest. land registry By Guest on 01/12/2015

    After splitting up with partner what form do I need to fill out to register my interest in our home which is in her name until we reach a settlement. ...

    Land Registry
  • Share ownership By Guest on 01/12/2015

    Hello all. i'm in desperate need of some advice. i've made an error in going with the free solicitor the bank offers when taking out a mortgage as they are absolutely terrible. my question is as follows.
    i currently hold 50% share in a property. i wish to...

    Land Registry
  • How to deduce equitable benefit By Guest on 24/11/2015

    What wording should be used when deducing equitable interest or benefit?...

    Land Registry
  • Unilateral notice for profit share By Guest on 23/11/2015

    I have an agreement with a landowner that my company will receive a profit share, made by the sale of the property. I'd like to enter a unilateral notice to secure this interest please advise....

    Land Registry
  • Completing form RX3 and ST5 to cancel restriction created by a tenants in common trust By Guest on 20/11/2015

    Correct wording to use and evidence to provide when the transfer is from two tenants in common to a third person who becomes sole proprietor and the transfer is being done as a gift. What to write in point 7. on RX3 and what to write on ST5...

    Land Registry
  • Fees for a 1 to 2 Transfer By Guest on 16/11/2015

    I currently own our marital home outright and want to transfer this to Joint Tenants with my husband with no money changing hands. I am struggling to work out the Fees - Is it Transfer for Whole of value or Transfer for Part of Value, and what would be th...

    Land Registry
  • Is there a time restriction to register a charge on a property By Guest on 13/11/2015

    Is there a time limit to register a charge on a property...

    Land Registry
  • Restriction on our property By Guest on 13/11/2015

    My husband and I have a property. It was originally owned by me and my ex husband but we did a transfer of equity and everything including the deeds to the property were transferred into our joint names.
    My husband and I have now sold the property and in...

    Land Registry
  • TR2 Restrictions By Guest on 11/11/2015

    Hi there,
    We are looking to purchase a property which appears to be a reposession. We have received a document which states "A clause in the TR2 provides for a restriction to be registered in favour of the seller upon registration of your
    client's title. ...

    Land Registry
  • Whta is the difference between SPIF 3rd and 4th edition? By Guest on 02/11/2015

    Seen both online but which one do I use? Does it matter? Thank You...

    Land Registry
