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Questions Related To Land Registry

  • Property Title By Guest on 15/07/2015

    What is the implication for a persons Estat where there are two people named on the Title Absolute when the second dies...

    Land Registry
  • owning a property jointly By Guest on 11/07/2015

    My husband and I bought our house together as tenants in common before we got married. We drew up a declaration of trust stipulating that upon sale he would receive his 40K deposit back and then the rest be split equally.
    We are now married. Is it advis...

    Land Registry
  • ID1 form By Guest on 08/07/2015

    how much should I expect to pay to have this form verified...

    Land Registry
  • Small section of land By Guest on 06/07/2015

    My sister has a small piece of land that is next to mine, she has offered it too me as a deed of gift...

    Land Registry
  • How do I decipher the meaning of the Burdens on a piece of land and how that would affect me etc By Guest on 29/06/2015

    I'm looking at a piece of land for sale in Scotland and there are a number of Burdens attached. I've no idea what they mean and how restrictive or costly they might be. How can I find out ?...

    Land Registry
  • Gifting a house from an estate By Guest on 24/06/2015

    My wife and sister are joint executors and beneficiaries of an estate which includes a property. My wife has agreed to buy the proerty from her sister and then wants to gift it to our daughter. Presumably only the Land Registry transfer is needed and if s...

    Land Registry
  • Joint ownership By Guest on 23/06/2015

    On the Property Register for our house my wife and I are shown under Proprietorship Register as Title Absolute. Does that mean we are joint owners?...

    Land Registry
  • Disposition of property/land By Guest on 22/06/2015

    My ex-wife and I have a mortgage together on our matrimonial home. My ex-wife moved out in April 2010 and as part of the divorce proceedings we have a deed that exempts her from paying the mortgage and me from paying rent etc, but that I can sell the hou...

    Land Registry
  • register a restriction By Guest on 17/06/2015

    dear sir/madam,

    In 2007 I bought freehold property on mortgage in ipswich in my wife's sole name, since the day one i have been paying all mortgage payments, home insurance, all repairs and refurbishments etc etc not to mention the initial deposit money ...

    Land Registry
  • Establishing legal title by convyancers By Guest on 16/06/2015

    I would like to ask whether it is the responsibility of the seller's conveyancing solicitor to establish the chain of ownership and legal title to the property being sold or does this fall to the buyer's solicitor?

    Thank you....

    Land Registry
