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Questions Related To Land Registry

  • TP1 Revision By Guest on 14/10/2020

    I need your advice to resolve a dispute regarding a charge that has arisen because of a clause in my TP1 document. During the process of acquiring my property in June 2017, the developer i.e. Kier Homes were building a block of flats adjacent to the pr...

    Land Registry
  • schedule of restrictive covenants By DMBE on 08/10/2020

    Search not to erect any buildings on the property hereby conveyed conveyed or to alter the exterior appearance of the existing dwelling thereon without the consent of the vendor such consent not to be unreasonably withheld...

    Land Registry
  • Dominic Borg By Guest on 08/10/2020

    Not to erect any buildings on the property hereby conveyed or to alter the exterior appearance of the existing dwelling thereon without the consent of the vendor such content not to be unreasonably withheld...

    Land Registry
  • Consolidating 3 titles into 1 By Guest on 07/10/2020

    How do I change 3 title numbers into 1...

    Land Registry
  • Title Deeds - Land ownership different person to owner of the property on the land By Guest on 06/10/2020

    Bungalow owned by housing association placed on the market, our offer was accepted (cash purchase) but there is a hold up due to information in the deeds naming a gentleman who owned the property having the right to purchase the land back.The gentleman in...

    Land Registry
  • Sole mortgage but joint on land registry? By Guest on 04/10/2020

    I’ve just got a mortgage in my sole name, is the house I’m purchasing be able to be in joint names mine and my wife or would it just be mine?...

    Land Registry
  • Freehold and leasehold By Guest on 04/10/2020

    We've had information from our solicitor that the house we are looking to buy is both registered as freehold and leasehold. We are told this is common practice in the area we are to live. Is it common and what does it mean?

    The only conditions we can s...

    Land Registry
  • Selling portion of joint ownership By Guest on 02/10/2020

    Hi, We own a portion of a field with 3 others and want to sell our share. There are no covenants etc, so irs it simply a TR1 between us and the buyer? Do the other owners need to sign anything?...

    Land Registry
  • garden wall 'our demise' By Guest on 01/10/2020

    We have a brick wall dividing the front and back gardens in our property. The back garden belongs to us and the front belongs to the housing association. We have recently staircases to 100% freehold. We have been told the dividing wall I our demise. Does ...

    Land Registry
  • Can I remove charging order if ex is deceased By Guest on 28/09/2020

    After my divorce a charging order was placed for my ex. My ex died 5 years ago can I remove the charge as my house will be left to our children who were his beneficiaries...

    Land Registry
