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Questions Related To Sale/Purchase

  • negative equity By Guest on 09/06/2014

    if on sale, there is still money owed to the building society, can I still complete the sale and make arrangements to pay the different direct to my building society mortgage lender? Or do I have to have all the monies with the solicitor before completion...

  • sale of single garage in block By Guest on 07/06/2014

    Can both parties agree on DIY conveyancing when transferring a block garage worth £12000 please ?...

  • Can we borrow from a business By Guest on 24/05/2014

    Can we borrow from a business overdraft to help fund our purchase?...

  • SPIF form By Guest on 23/05/2014

    Do you answer the questions on the SPIF form for the completed dwelling. I have constructed the property myself then lived in the property for 18 months before selling. Do the questions get completed on the property under construction or the completed pro...

  • SPIF By Guest on 21/05/2014

    URGENT! Why is the downloadable version of this form different from your guidance notes?...

  • Building Regs By Guest on 02/05/2014

    We had a non load bearing wall removed by professional contractors. No building regs were needed. But our purchasers solicitors are asking to see Building Regs. How do I prove that the wall was non load bearing and regs were not required?...

  • Gone pass LSD... What happens By Guest on 26/03/2014

    Do we get compensation?...

  • Notice of Assignment By Guest on 24/03/2014

    Who should be dealing with the Notice of the Assignment and who should be paying the fee. ...

  • Do I require a solicitor By Guest on 04/03/2014

    Must I hire a solicitor to sell a property....

  • selling a property 2 By Guest on 02/03/2014

    Having done so before, I am hoping to act for myself in the sale of a property. It has no mortgage. Can my estate agent be my deposit stakeholder? Can the final money transfer come direct to the sellers still?...

