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Questions Related To Sale/Purchase

  • Insufficient funds to complete By Guest on 10/07/2014

    We have exchanged contracts, but circumstances have arisen whereby we may not now have sufficient funds to complete on the agreed completion date.
    Would we need to pay interest on the outstanding sum?
    Could the seller take our deposit and cancel the sale,...

  • Right to But Purchase By Guest on 10/07/2014

    My mother has activated their right to buy (council property)
    She is unemployed so getting a mortgage is close impossible for her. I wish to step in and help her secure the purchase of this property. My name is not on the right to buy letter, how can I ar...

  • Conveyancing 3 By Guest on 07/07/2014

    I see no old-type 'Conveyance' issued after purchase, only Land Registry Certificate. Has it now been replaced with been replaced by 'Tranfer of Whole' instead?...

  • Stamp Duty query By keithscott on 14/06/2014

    I have agreed to purchase a property from my mother for £249,000. Recent valuations have valued it at £290,000. If HMRC decide to investigate (quite likely I imagine) can they demand that I pay 3% rather than 1% SDLT.

    Keith Scott...

  • negative equity By Guest on 09/06/2014

    if on sale, there is still money owed to the building society, can I still complete the sale and make arrangements to pay the different direct to my building society mortgage lender? Or do I have to have all the monies with the solicitor before completion...

  • sale of single garage in block By Guest on 07/06/2014

    Can both parties agree on DIY conveyancing when transferring a block garage worth £12000 please ?...

  • Can we borrow from a business By Guest on 24/05/2014

    Can we borrow from a business overdraft to help fund our purchase?...

  • SPIF form By Guest on 23/05/2014

    Do you answer the questions on the SPIF form for the completed dwelling. I have constructed the property myself then lived in the property for 18 months before selling. Do the questions get completed on the property under construction or the completed pro...

  • SPIF By Guest on 21/05/2014

    URGENT! Why is the downloadable version of this form different from your guidance notes?...

  • Building Regs By Guest on 02/05/2014

    We had a non load bearing wall removed by professional contractors. No building regs were needed. But our purchasers solicitors are asking to see Building Regs. How do I prove that the wall was non load bearing and regs were not required?...

