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Questions Related To Sale/Purchase

  • No/full title guarantee By Guest on 27/01/2017

    We are buying a repossessed property with no title guarantee. How long before we can resell it with full title Guarantee? Thanks...

  • Contracts Exchange T&C By Guest on 16/01/2017

    HI, I wanted to know about terms of exchange of contracts before completion for property purchase. Can I know if its a standard contract or terms of contract can be changed in agreemenet with Vendor & Seller. ...

  • Converting leasehold to freehold. By Guest on 06/01/2017

    Buying off the land on the leasehold to make it freehold. The transferor wants to put restriction of rights to build, right to air / water, cant rent a bedroom, cant change plants,they have access to the house with or without notice, if required in future...

  • Land dispute By Guest on 30/12/2016

    Hi my brother and myself bought a building plot ,unfortunately my brother has had a mental breakdown legally were would I stand...

  • Completion certificate missing By Guest on 27/12/2016

    Hi. I'm a first time buyer in the process of buying a house built in 2002. A garage conversion to study was undertaken in 2005. Our solicitor has raised the concern that the Building Completion Certificate (for the entire house) is missing. Funnily enough...

  • Buying short lease property By Guest on 20/12/2016

    I'd like to buy a flat which has a very short lease - 52years. The lease extension will cost 48k for this property. The seller would be happy to extend the lease but only if buyer pays for it. I have 50k saved to be used as a deposit, but if I use it to e...

  • cant find my building regs from 20 years ago By Guest on 13/12/2016

    I am selling my surgery with flat above that was originally a house and converted 20 years ago with correct approval but cant find the certificates for building regs...

  • coal shaft By Guest on 08/12/2016

    Hi,my question is my house was built 8 feet from an abandoned untreated coal shaft would this affect the sale price in anyway. I paid £230000 cash for the property in 2007.Thank you Blair...

  • Gifted Equity By Guest on 02/12/2016

    If I sell my property with a market value of £150,000 to my son for £100,000 how much stamp duty is payable ...

  • Lender repossessed & threatening to dispose my former matrimonial home By Guest on 25/11/2016

    My former matrimonial home is subject to a high court order making me legal beneficiary of £1,000,000
    I have registered rights on the land registry both matrimonial and the court order.
    yet the lender claims they have a buyer who is happy to by the pro...

