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Questions Related To Sale/Purchase

  • is my conncted to mains sewerage By Guest on 28/09/2020

    i need to know whether my house is connected to mains sewerage and what type it is, however I have no idea. Are you able to help? thank you ...

  • Contract amendments By Guest on 25/09/2020

    I have been sent a contract(5th ed) to sign but it has my name typed with my middle name added in pen and the purchase price was incorrect so has been crossed out and re-typed. Should I sign it or ask for a new one to be sent with the correct information ...

  • Tenants in common unequal shares agreement By Guest on 24/09/2020

    I am looking to buy a house with my husband. I will be paying the deposit (let’s say it equates to 20% of the purchase price). We will then both pay equal shares of the mortgage and other costs. If we came to sell, how would you advise us to split the p...

  • Sellers conveyancing By Guest on 14/09/2020

    Given that I am selling land without an existing mortgage, freehold and in my sole name is there any good reason why I should not just download the relevant form and do the conveyancing myself?...

  • Amending a contract of sale after exchange By Guest on 11/09/2020

    Everyone in our chain has suceessfully exchanged. However, there is a discepancy in our buyer's financials, meaning that their mortgage is for 535k instead of the agreed 533k. As exchange has happened, are we able to amend the contracts to reflect the hig...

  • Road/driveway running in front of two houses By Guest on 29/08/2020

    when we purchased d a new build property from the builder on our title deeds under "protected strip" - means that strip of land (if any) shown on Plan 1 and thereon hatched green and being 6 metres wide and unless the contrary shall be stipulated or be c...

  • Loft conversion 2004 By Guest on 27/08/2020

    Had a loft conversion done in 2004 to building regs at the time but did not get final certification - now selling house and getting a retrospective cert but should it be done to the regs at the time of the build (early 2004) or to current regs?...

  • Anti Money Laundering provisions By ncampling on 14/08/2020

    I have agreed the sale of my freehold and mortgage free house to a third party. I am acting for myself in the sale and am not yet seeking to buy another property. Do I need to have in place an ID1 signed by a Solicitor to verify who I am ?...

  • Sale of property declaration of occupants By Guest on 10/08/2020

    My husband and I are divorcing and selling our property, but his parents now want to move in as their rental property has fallen through and they cant find anything suitable. If they move in will this affect the sale and will they have a claim on the pro...

  • Insurance for purchasing land that has adverse possession claim and caution against first registration By Guest on 07/08/2020

    good afternoon, I am looking to purchase a plot of land but have found out that someone has applied to register it using adverse possession. There is also a caution against first registration placed on by the same party. The land is currently unregistered...

