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Questions Related To Sale/Purchase

  • stamp duty for common tenancy By Guest on 29/06/2017

    A parent and a child purchase a house as tenants in common. Parent owns 60% of the house and it is their 2nd property. The child owns 40% of the house and this is their 1st property where they will reside. how stamp duty is to be paid? Will each owner wil...

  • Can the buyers' solicitor refuse to deal with me? By Guest on 27/06/2017

    I am selling a freehold registered title to purchasers with nothing to sell and I am not buying another property. The solicitor acting for the buyers has stated that "if you are not appointing a solicitor to deal with the sale of your property we can onl...

  • if the council previously owned a land before building it why do we have to pay indemnity insurance 40 yrs later By Guest on 24/06/2017

    The council bought land in 1972.. build on it.. sold a house in 1992 to the teenants. we purchased in 2007 and although noted was not asked to pay an Indemnity. We are now selling and have been asked to pay?...

  • selling land that is jointly owned by 8 parties By Guest on 24/06/2017

    a developed has approached our residential development offering to buy the site so he can re-develop it. 7 of the 8 property-owners who jointly own the site would like to sell but one party are adamant that they do not want to. where do we stand - can on...

  • Apportionment By nafeesuk on 24/06/2017

    When we will sale property, how to calculate apportionment, service charge. Who pay service charge and how long does he/she pay for that? ...

  • Part sale of our flat to Parents By Guest on 23/06/2017

    We currently own a London flat. We are looking to buy a second home outside of London and then let out our flat. We will be taking our a new residential mortgage for the new purchase and request a tenancy request from our current mortgage lender for our e...

  • No declaration of trust By Guest on 14/06/2017

    Bought a flat 10 years ago with a friend. I put in £8000 deposit and she put in £4000 deposit. At the time of buying we agreed that when we sold we would take back our original desopits each and split any profit 50/50.
    We are now selling the flat. We a...

  • Vendor didn't complete before deadline, we pulled out, what are we entitled to? By Guest on 08/06/2017

    We exchanged a 10% deposit and contracts in November 2016. As of April 1st 2017 the apartment was still not ready, our solicitors advised us that we could pull out at this stage and recover our deposit as the seller did not complete by the 1st April deadl...

  • Power of attorney By Guest on 05/06/2017

    I am about to purchase a property and have been asked to sign
    Power Of Attorney form, is it normal to have 17 attorneys names on form? Thank you.

  • EPC By chrisgaine on 04/06/2017

    I'm selling a flat to my son and his girlfriend - they live there already. Do I need an Energy certificate and how do I arrange one?...

