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Questions Related To Sale/Purchase

  • Power of Attorney By Guest on 06/10/2015

    I have Enduring Power of Attorney for both of my two elderly relatives. They own their house as Tenants in Common. They need to sell it. It's been suggested that another trustee might need to be appointed. Is that true? If yes, what organisations can prov...

  • Sale of property from parent to children By Guest on 02/10/2015

    My brother and I wish to buy our flat from my father. We both provided the deposit for the initial purchase, but as we were both self employed at the time we could not get a mortgage, whereas my father could. We now are employed and able to get a mortgage...

  • Long stop date By Guest on 30/09/2015

    Hi, with a new build how long after the expected completion date is a long stop date...I'm being quoted 2 months is this too long?...

  • How Conveyancing Charges work By Guest on 30/09/2015

    I wanted to find out who pays conveyancing charges,My mother in law is trying to sell her house and has been charged conveyancing charges 4 times. Each time buyers have made an offer but then pulled out at last minute and her solicitors have charged her f...

  • My brother died in July 2014, I would like to sell the house but it is in both of our names and I would like to remove my brothers name. By Guest on 30/09/2015

    I am at a loss and don't know where to turn to for help....

  • is it legal to sell a house if you dont hold the the right of deed By Guest on 27/09/2015

    I am in the middel of buying a flat and have foudn the builder has no got the right of deed from the council, this now means i have to wait for them to get it and my mortgage offer is due to expire soon, is this legal as i would not have prgressed if i kn...

  • Limited title guarantee By Guest on 18/09/2015

    What is limited title guarantee & what issues does it give rise to?...

  • Reversing a sale By Guest on 18/09/2015

    We have made a purchase and have now found that an amendment we had made on the Agreement for Lease was not countersigned by the Seller but the sale still went through. We did not know this at the time of purchase but it came to light 2 years later when...

  • Misleading information By Guest on 10/09/2015

    My Issue is with the conveyancing process my partner and I are going through. I don\'t know if you can help? Short story is we got to the point where our solicitor said we were ready to complete after all the enquiries she raised came back fine, then afte...

  • what is no search indemnity By Guest on 03/09/2015

    I am buying a house, no mortgage, i did not request searches, my solicitor states i need a 'no search indemnity policy' ...

