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Questions Related To Sale/Purchase

  • Buyer wishes to 'rent' property pre-purchase By Guest on 02/03/2020

    I have a long term contact that wishes to move in to the property on the rent a room scheme, pay rent and then purchase the property while in situ. They are waiting for their employment probation period to end to secure a mortgage to enable them to buy t...

  • incorrect form By Guest on 28/02/2020

    I wanted the up to date TA6 law society property Information Form -can you asend this?...

  • Agricultural Lien By Guest on 24/02/2020

    Looking at purchasing a House that has an Agricultural Lien on it. The property has not been used for the last 10years plus due to it having a lien on it. Is there any way i can get this removed so i can get a clear title?


  • Cash purchase proof of funds By Guest on 22/02/2020

    I’m planning to buy a property with cash. Most of the money is from my own savings, and a portion will be a loan from a relative. What proof do I need to supply that my funds are legitimate?...

  • Joint house purchase By Guest on 17/02/2020

    I would like to purchase a property with my son. I will provide the majority of the purchase price 76 percent deposit and we will then jointly apply for the remaking sum as a mortgage. My question is, can I draw up a will or agreement deed to leave my ...

  • Is my brothers 50% deposit protected after signing a deed of trust which states he will only own 25% share of the property? By Guest on 27/01/2020

    My brother purchased a property with his girlfriend approx 17 years ago. They both contributed the same deposit and owned it 50/50.In 2011 they sold the flat to buy a house.They purchased the house in tenancy in common. The equity from the flat was tra...

  • I need an Indemnity Insurance quote for a mortgage transaction. Do you provide one? By Guest on 21/01/2020

    Please provide a quote with the draft wording!


  • Registered Charges By Guest on 16/01/2020

    Hello, I am looking at buying a property but the Land Registry Title contains 2 Restrictions in section B, 1 in favour of The Bank of Ireland needing their written permission to register a a disposition. The other requiring a signed cert. from Santande...

  • Water main under proerty By Guest on 16/01/2020

    I'm selling my house, there is a water main under the house. The buyer would like a search done on the water main. What does this mean and how do I do it? Thank you for your help. regards Curly


  • single storey extension By Guest on 14/01/2020

    I wish to sell my home, I built a single storey kitchen extension without planning, where do I stand?


