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Questions Related To Sale/Purchase

  • selling a leasehold, what about the freeholder? By Guest on 05/12/2017

    Background info: 1 house is split into 2 horizontally, so bottom 2 floors is mine and the top 2 floors belongs to someone else. lease left is 200 years. the freeholder is a small company.

    so if i was to sell my flat, what happens if the freeholder is b...

  • When does a transfer of land become legally By Guest on 29/11/2017

    I have signed a few days ago a TR1 form which I now regret and would like reversed. When does the transfer become legally binding. Is there a cooling off period. Is it binding if it has not yet been recorded at the Land Registry?...

  • Property Management Company By Guest on 23/11/2017

    Hi there, our property which is in the process of being sold at the moment is one of three freeholds and to access the any of the three houses you have to drive over a communal area which is owned and maintained by a management company which we own a thi...

  • Broken Links By echardie on 21/11/2017

    hi there

    Your links to unregistered freehold contract and unregistered leasehold contract do not work, please may you look into this?

    Many thanks! :)...

  • How much to buy my freehold By Guest on 15/11/2017

    We are looking to buy the leasehold on our house how do I find the value...

  • Seperating, transfer of title and stamp duty By Guest on 14/11/2017

    My wife and I are separating. She is buying me out of the property which we own 50/50. Our current mortgage is £180,000 and she buying me out for £92,000. This is made up of £30,000 by way of re-mortgage and the rest from an inheritance. We don't have ...

  • Condition on a contract By Guest on 11/11/2017

    I want to buy a house that has a large tree close to the building.There is no tpo on it but if one was imposed on it I would not buy. Should I make the contract conditional?...

  • Conveyancing By David Robson on 01/11/2017

    At what stage in the conveyancing process does one take a ten percent deposit. After searches and enquiries have been satisfied?...

  • payment to seller from solicitor following completion of sale By Guest on 25/10/2017

    When completion has taken place and the buyer given the keys to the property, what is the timescale for the seller to receive their money if they are not purchasing a property themselves....

  • Is there anyway I can check to see who's name is on a property that I want to buy? By Guest on 14/10/2017

    Do I need a Solicitior in order to buy a house ...

