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Questions Related To Sale/Purchase

  • Which contract for part of title? By Guest on 20/11/2021

    I want to purchase a small piece of land at the bottom of my garden from a neighbour. It is part of their registered title. Which contract form do I use?...

  • Is your website providing guidance? By Guest on 12/10/2021

    hi, i am a QLTS student so more than the forms i would like some step by step guide in how to interpret or amend/fill the the conveyancing forms. is this provided with the memmbership?...

  • Disclosure By Guest on 04/10/2021

    Hi, if I complained to my local council about my neighbours making noise in 2016 do I need to disclose this now on my conveyancing paperwork now as I have just started the process of selling my house?...

  • New director of RTM company refusing to sign LPE1 By Guest on 03/10/2021

    I was the director of the RTM company for my block until the end of August. The new directors do not live in the block, they only own property in the block. They don't know any information so are refusing to sign the LPE1- this is essentially making my pr...

  • New Build House is on a bus route, should the developer have disclosed this? By Guest on 16/08/2021

    I purchased a new build house in Dec 2019, and now the road network is being completed it appears that my road is a us route. Is the developer legally obliged to disclose this information at the time of the sale? ...

  • Charge By Guest on 09/08/2021

    I cannot sell my home due to a charge that is from before we purchased the property, how do we get it removed...

  • Staircasing whilst newly purchasing a Shared Ownership property By Guest on 08/08/2021

    Good afternoon,

    I am hoping to purchase a Shared Ownership property [house] for a larger percentage share than was originally advertised for sale. I have been told by the Housing Association responsible that this is possible, but that the way it would ...

  • When to start conveyancing By Guest on 04/07/2021

    We now have a memorandum of Sale for our share if a shared ownership house. Our buyers are ready to go but we haven't found a house ... estate agents were blocking us until we had a buyer. Do we start the sale side before founding a house for ourselves?...

  • gifting By Guest on 25/06/2021

    if you put a 50% share into a property in the way of a gift can a claim 50% ownership on the property...

  • Overage By C Smith on 18/06/2021

    Have you a precedent suitable for use on sale of land with existing planning for commercial use with overage payable if unit sale price exceeds an agreed value? ...

