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Questions Related To Sale/Purchase

  • Floored attic By Guest on 23/08/2023

    I am selling property with floored attic. There were beams that were from the roof to nearly the middle of the attic floor. When these were taken away they were replaced by joists at the sides and at the top of the roof.
    Thereby making walls and a ceili...

  • Lease and Freehold on same property By Guest on 18/08/2023

    I am interested in a property which has been divided into 2 parts. Upstairs is freehold and downstairs is leasehold. Both parts are being sold, but I wondered who would own the lease and also, when buying the property would the leaseholder need to be no...

  • Is land charge valid By Paul N on 10/08/2023

    Hi.. I would appreciate your guidance.
    My buyer has identified a land charge against a previous owner of my unregistered property, a civ estate contract. The Charge relates to land affected in another parish, does not mention land in the parish where my ...

  • Notice to complete By Guest on 07/08/2023

    HI, I have a question regarding a notice to complete. Does a seller have a deadline in which to serve a notice to complete. We are in a nightmare scenario where the bank has refused to release funds under a power of attorney. Thank you...

  • I have exchanged on a new build but now want another property on the same site can we just change property details on the exchange documents and mortgage documents? It’s only 2 doors up and same company By Guest on 04/08/2023

    I have exchanged on a new build but now want another property on the same site can we just change property details on the exchange documents and mortgage documents? It’s only 2 doors up and same company ...

  • Partially complete LPE1 form and management pack By Guest on 27/07/2023

    Our property management company can only provide a partially completed LPE1 form and management pack, due to it only being recently discovered a service charge needs to be paid. What can I do to be able to sell my house without the full information? ...

  • 3% Surcharge on flat buy applicable or not? By Guest on 22/07/2023

    Planning to buy a flat in London. My wife has a property in India and I have never bought any real estate. The flat we purchased in India was ready to move (construction complete) after we moved to the UK. It was never our primary residence. We stayed wit...

  • Transfer of ownership for a private drive to multiple homeowners By Guest on 21/07/2023

    Hello, we are looking to understand the overall process and likely cost to transfer the ownership of a private road from one person to all the residents (6 houses) and to place a covenant on each household for the cost and responsibility for upkeep of the...

  • Shared ownership By Guest on 19/07/2023

    Can I create a shared ownership contract to sell my house? ...

  • Question about issuing draft contracts. By Guest on 29/06/2023

    Hello. We have accepted an offer on our house, and are actively looking for another house to buy. Its been five weeks now, and the buyers are putting pressure on us to issue draft contracts, allow searches etc. Our solicitor is saying we don't have to do ...

