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  • Indemnity covenant on land registry entry By Guest on 06/11/2019

    My husband and I have just got back together but in between he has made a will that does not include me and there is now a indemnity covenant on the house with the land registry, can is still apply for joint rights or does this preclude me from doing s...

    Land Registry
  • Ground floor flat, but on deeds is says first floor flat. , By Guest on 06/11/2019

    We are in process of selling our flat but solicitor says land registry has it as first floor flat when in fact it is ground floor, could this be a big problem or can land registry confirm from lease and address of flat that it in fact ground floor? Is ...

    Land Registry
  • Landlord refusing to provide documents By Guest on 06/11/2019

    I am buying a flat and the freeholder wont produce the relevance fire certificates and insurance and my mortgage company want me to pull out. Is he not obliged by law to produce these?


    Landlord & Leases
  • Commercial land registry By Guest on 05/11/2019

    hi I have signed a TP1 form with the seller and don’t know how can I register it. If I have a solicitor and the seller does not, which documents should he supply to my solicitor ?


    Land Registry
  • Who did the conveyancing? By Guest on 05/11/2019

    For a number of leases I wish to know who did the conveyancing


  • Joint inheritance By Guest on 05/11/2019

    My sister & I inherited our mother's bungalow which I now live in with my sister's consent I previously didn't own any property. She lives elsewhere & wants to gift me her half of the house. How does she go about this? Is it complicated?...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Purchaser being required to enter into Deed of Covenant on land that I'm transferring to Water Company By Guest on 05/11/2019

    Along with my house, I own a small patch of land situated over the other side of next door. There is a pumping station on it, originally owned as part of a private sewage system by myself and my neighbours. It was taken over by the local water authority i...

  • Leasehold agreement - is this normal? By Guest on 05/11/2019

    I'm purchasing a first floor flat (Victorian Conversion) where the ground floor flat is occupied by the freeholder. I'm trying to understand if this is very stringent on me as it appears I have 50% responsibility of everything from repairing the structur...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Which standard form restriction to use? By Guest on 04/11/2019

    My husband owns a house. Last year his ex was given 50% beneficial interest in the house in TOLATA proceedings. Previous t this I invested a large sum into the house to pay off mortgage arrears, home improvements, etc. I am now submitting RX1 and UN1, but...

    Land Registry
  • Keeping house on market when offer accepted By Guest on 04/11/2019

    Our offer on a house is accepted but they want keep house on market until solicitor instructed due to being let down before. They will right saying they will not accept any offers in the meantime, are we at any additional risk?...

