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  • Deed Variation from doubling ground rent to RPI rise By Guest on 16/11/2019

    We are in the very final stages of selling our property and have just been informed that our buyer's lender will not proceed with a doubling ground rent clause so need us to have the deed varied as in the title of my question. Our freeholders are Persi...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Which Land Registry Form to Use By Guest on 15/11/2019

    I would be very grateful if you could like me know which Land Registry form I should complete to place an Interim and Final Charge on a property - ordered by the Central Family Court as a result of non payment of child maintenance. ...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Adding my wife as joint owner of a property By Guest on 14/11/2019

    I have a mortgage on a property in my sole name. The property is mortgaged and I want to add my wife as a joint owner? Is DIY conveyancing doable?...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Pages missing on TP1 By Guest on 14/11/2019

    We are in the process of selling our property and the buyers solicitor has noticed that sections 11 & 12 are missing on TP1 that our solicitor sent to them We dont seem to have the original is this a problem. Can the solicitor obtain a new copy


    Land Registry
  • Capital Gains on transfer of equity By Guest on 13/11/2019

    My partner is re-mortgaging and in the process removing ex from deeds by means of a transfer of equity. The ex is happy to be removed from mortgage and expects not money (re-married). Does the ex or my partner have to pay Capital Gains tax ? (SDLT not ...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Removing a restriction By Guest on 10/11/2019

    My ex got a loan whilst not with me and apparently did not pay it. Because his name is still on the mortgage back in 2012 a restriction was added to land registry so when my partner now tried to take over the mortgage we were not able to. My ex has no ...

    Land Registry
  • Panel 11 of Land Registry Form TR1 By Guest on 09/11/2019

    I am gifting my home to my daughter. Can I put a condition in Panel 11 of TR1 that if my daughter dies without any children then the property must be returned to me and/or to my two sisters who brought up my daughter, if we are still alive?...

    Land Registry
  • Proving a 75%/25% ownership. By Guest on 08/11/2019

    My husband and I own our house outright. I put in lots of equity and we had a paper explaining I own 75% and he owns 25%.I cannot find the paperwork and the solicitor who drew it up has died and the firm is closed. I need something drawn up.


    Land Registry
  • Transfer of Equity 2 persons to 3 persons (ie one person added) By musik99 on 07/11/2019

    1.Does a transfer of equity "2 to 3" work the same as a 1 to 2 transfer? 2.Is the Decl.of Trust form amendable for use by 3 owners of a property?


    DIY Conveyancing
  • Plan document showing my boundaries By Guest on 07/11/2019

    My document provided has a boundary incorrectly marked can I have it replaced


    Land Registry
