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  • Transfer of equity into sole name By Guest on 14/10/2019

    Hi..... me and my husband have recently separated. We have agreed to transfer the equity from the house into my sole name and this has all been completed by a solicitor. However, I have recently been informed that on Divorce my husband can claim 50% of th...

    Land Registry
  • Removing a charge from a property. By Guest on 13/10/2019

    I have a charge on my house. The debt was fully repaid several years ago but the creditor has not informed the land registry. I have written to them to ask them to remove it but I have not received a reply. What can I do? ...

    Land Registry
  • my solicitor refused to show/give me the signed contract By Guest on 12/10/2019

    I have purchased a house, freehold, paid in cash, I requested the sales documentation, which was partially provided by attachment to an email, but the solicitor refused so send me a signed copy of the contract, even to provide me an online copy. What can ...

  • What is effect of an inhibition in England? By Guest on 12/10/2019

    There is an inhibition on the title:
    (04.05.1990) INHIBITION:- No disposition or other dealing by the
    proprietor of the land is to be registered or any notice of
    deposit of the Land Certificate is to be entered on the register
    except under an order of...

    Land Registry
  • Signing a TR1 form By Guest on 11/10/2019

    Hello, could you please tell me if I should sign a TR1 form that my solicitor asked me to sign and send back to solicitor, even though the completion contract is is not ready, no deposit or payment had been put in place, I'm just concerned about signing t...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • mortgage for 2 title deeds By Guest on 11/10/2019

    can you join 2 title deeds one for a house and one for 2 acres of land...

  • Listed Building consent By Guest on 11/10/2019

    Would it be reasonable of us to expect that our conveyencing solicitor should be aware of, and advise us on an issue with a property relating to previous Listed building consent refusal which the solicitor has been made aware of?...

    Planning & Building Regs
  • Dissolved management company By Guest on 10/10/2019

    There is a Deed of variation of a lease that I pay fees to a management company and they are responsible for the landlord's obligations. However the management company has been dissolved. Is the treasury responsible bona vacantia otherwise who will be r...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Acting as executor where the husband inherits the property from his wife By Guest on 10/10/2019

    Completing form AP1 and confused on question 6 - The Applicant - should the deceased husband name be entered here or should it be mine as executor.
    Also Q14 - same question in box 14 - not sure what to complete as there is no financial involvement.

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Putting my wife’s house in both our married names By Guest on 09/10/2019

    My wife owns a house and we want it in both our names as recently married, once done am I then a legal half owner...

    Transfers & Gifts
