• Selling Property And Land In Two Lots, Strip Of Land To Neighbour Remainder To Buyer

    By Guest on 14th Oct 2019

    We are selling our property but have also sold a small piece of land to our neighbour, the TP1 for this strip has been logged with land registry we are now trying to exchange on our house and remaining land but we are being advised by the buyers solicitor that until the TP1 for the small piece of land given to our neighbour is completed at land registry we cannot exchange or complete on the property. Meanwhile our solicitor says we can proceed to exchange and we have reached an impass. Can we exchange on the property before land registry complete the TP1 for the strip of land to the neighbour?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 15/10/2019

    Yes, your conveyancer should evidence to the buyer's conveyancer what the application relates to and show them the plan so they know it won't affect their application.

    As an alternative, your conveyancer can lodge a request to expedite with HMLR evidencing the impasse (impasse has an "e" on the end incidentally) and HMLR may speed up the process from their usual 6 months. This is at their discretion so they are not obliged to but they are usually very helpful. Hope that assists!


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