• Freehold And Leasehold

    By Guest on 04th Oct 2020

    We've had information from our solicitor that the house we are looking to buy is both registered as freehold and leasehold. We are told this is common practice in the area we are to live. Is it common and what does it mean?

    The only conditions we can see on the freehold are around the district council and the previous leaseholder relating to a sewer which passes over the property but the original agreement wasn't produced on first registration so we know no more. What could this be? Could this be an issue?

    The only other thing on the freehold document is in section C it states the "lease dated XXXX to Mr X for XX years starting on XXX" - does that mean if we get the house and freehold deeds, we have to adhere to the leasehold conditions as well?

    On the leasehold register it talks about a rent amount, as the current owner "bought" (we have been told) the freehold, does the rent amount still apply?

    It also stated the "lessor's title is registered" - what does that mean?

    There is no part C on the leasehold - is this right?

    Thank you in advance.

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