• Parking Rights Of Easement

    By Guest on 20th Dec 2020

    Right of Parking Easement can my 3 previous house & garage owners periods 8.09.1972 to 29.01.2002, be added to my 18yrs tenure and my parking outside of my freehold garage, on the other freeholders carpark land, with the combined use of the carpark space combined = 47yrs, do I qualify to seek to apply for Right of Parking Easement for the parking of my single car on the unmarked-out carpark land outside my own freehold garage please?

    Before buying the house and garage I was told by the previous 4 yrs owners (1998-2002) they parked outside the garage without challenge or permission from absent carpark & Flats Developer & freeholder Ian Engle, & the previous house & garage owners (McFarlane) also had parked outside garage from 1988-1998 also without any sought permissions or challenges filed or desist notices ever having been noted within any Search documents, Inter-Conveyancing documents of ‘any’ sale / purchaser....

    My not exceeding 20 yrs ‘ON MY OWN’ am I prevented from Applying for the actual Right of Easement to the HMLand Registry & England Courts

    Thankyou!! Merry Christmas

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 20/12/2020

    Did you obtain Stat Decs from the previous owner(s) - if not then you can't - not so much of a Merry Xmas now hey.

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