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  • Release of land and creating new title deed By Guest on 19/05/2020

    I have extended a property with planning permission for an extension and now wish to separate the title on the land to create two separate titles. The property has a mortgage of 150,000 and is valued at 500,000. Is this possible ? ...

    Land Registry
  • Giving a freehold to family member By Guest on 18/05/2020

    What do I need to do to transfer a freehold...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • mortgage and provide a statement of truth By Guest on 18/05/2020

    statement of truth required for remortgage...

  • Loft space By Guest on 17/05/2020

    I bought my flat from the council I have the only entrance to the loft through my flat I was never told before buying it that it wasn't mine the previous tenant floored the loft moved beams without permission but I did get it done up and there are two vel...

  • Ap1 emergency form By Guest on 15/05/2020

    how many days the land register will take to change my name in the deeds

    Land Registry
  • Expired searches due to covid19 By Guest on 14/05/2020

    Our searches have expired due to delays on completion of new build. Solicitors have advised they can re apply or we take out an indemnity policy. We ste not sure which to do ...

    Land Registry
  • Can I report a buyers solicitor for fraud By Guest on 13/05/2020

    I sold some land and the buyer is claiming more than I was selling.
    The plan I obtained from land registry was the first time I saw it. Apparently the first map submitted was not accepted (it had been altered, defaced and scribbled on) As I have discover...

  • CH1 form By Guest on 13/05/2020

    If a CH1 form dated 2004 was not sent to land registry can the charge still be acted on ...

    Land Registry
  • Mr By Guest on 13/05/2020

    purchasing the freehold on my leasehold property, who has to send the completed TP1 form to the Land Registry, me or the existing freeholder?...

    Land Registry
  • Transfer of ex council house By Guest on 12/05/2020

    My parents have just purchased their council house and want to transfer it to me.
    - is this allowed?
    - do they have to own it for a certain length of time to remortgage?
    - will they have to pay back some of the discount they got as it is before ...

    Transfers & Gifts
