• If The Beneficiary Refuses To Get Probate And Register Property In Their Name

    By Guest on 28th May 2020

    Is there a way to force a beneficiary to do probate/letters of administration?

  • 2 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 29/05/2020

    Technically it is the executor (or administrator) who applies for probate, not the beneficiary, though these can be the same person. Unless you are one of the executors/administrators or beneficiaries it is likely there is little you can do, however if you are one of the aforesaid then contact a litigation solicitor (for example Spire Solicitors) for assistance.


  • By Guest on 29/05/2020

    Thanks for your answer but that's not exactly what I meant. I meant can they be forced? If a beneficiary is doing nothing about it...and refusing to get a solicitor...and refusing all offers of help...can they be forced to do it?

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