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  • Purchasing from Executors By Guest on 02/10/2014

    When purchasing from executors is there anything other than receipt of a grant of probate that I need...

  • Gypsum search By Guest on 02/10/2014

    Can you please advise the price for a gypsum search...

  • Certificate By Guest on 01/10/2014

    what is the certificate called that shows planning permission has been adhered to?...

    Planning & Building Regs
  • indemnity insurance 2 By Guest on 26/09/2014

    do i need indemnity insurance on a wood burner installed prior to purchasing property i am now selling...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • Amendment to Title deed By Guest on 25/09/2014

    Is it easy to add a allocated parking space onto title deeds that is clearly shown on the land registry. Is there a cost involved also, and if so is it a lot...

    Land Registry
  • proof of funds By Guest on 25/09/2014

    I am using a mortgage from abroad to purchase a property in the UK. I have exchanged contracts already and when my bank abroad tried to transfer funds to my solicitors, they refused to give me their bank details. They said that they need to see the money ...

  • 128 By Guest on 24/09/2014

    Who can witness a transfer of title on a property?...

    Land Registry
  • Landlord consent By Guest on 23/09/2014

    I am purchasing a leasehold property and want to take down an internal wall, which is non load bearing. The lease details landlords permission is required. My solicitor has raised this as an enqury and I have asked them to obtain consent pre exchange. Do...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Selling a house and Purchasing By Guest on 23/09/2014

    I am currently in a situation where I am selling the third house in a chain. I am also purchasing the 1st house in the chain. I want to fund the purchase of the first house (deposit) with the sale of my house (3rd in the chain). I have been advised tha...

  • buying a repossessed property By Guest on 22/09/2014

    I'm buying a repo'd property and I have received a contract from the vendor (bank) but I'm a little concerned about a paragraph relating to charges. The paragraph below is part of the contract I received. Am I correct in thinking that this states that I c...

    DIY Conveyancing
