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  • neigbour build trespass By Guest on 10/11/2014

    our neighbour built over our boundary onto a wall that held our conservatory roof up. They then built ontop of the wall over our listed building without issing notice getting owners consent lying to council during planning application and not signinging ...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Tranfer of ownership By Guest on 08/11/2014

    My mother in law has died leaving the house to her daughter How can I transfer ownership to her on a diy basis.
    Colin FR Williams...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • bankruptcy forfeit clause By Guest on 08/11/2014

    i am trying to sell my shared ownership property but have been told,i cannot get a mortgage due to a bankruptcy clause in the lease,can i still sell my share of the house even if i can't buy it...

    Land Registry
  • Fail to file TR1 By Guest on 07/11/2014

    If the property owner signs a TR1 but fails to file it at the land registry,then dies and bequeaths the house to a different person in her will, which document takes precedence?...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Local Authority searches By Guest on 06/11/2014

    which type of local Authority search is most commonly used in a conveyance. Is it an "Official search" or a "personal Search". What are conveyancing lawyers mostly using in the conveyancing search process.
    Many thanks in advance. ...

  • Tennants in common By Guest on 03/11/2014

    I owned my home as tennants in common with my father,he has died and willed his 50% share to me. I am gifting 50% of the full ownership to my husband . Land registry suggested I applied to lift the restriction but I do not know how to word this on form RX...

    Land Registry
  • Title register in maiden name By MartinL on 02/11/2014

    I am in the process of buying a house (freehold in England) from a married couple where the title register is still in the co-sellers maiden name. The seller property information and fixtures and fittings forms have been completed and signed in her marri...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Son selling house to father By Guest on 31/10/2014

    Hello, I hope you can help.
    What is the best way to go about selling a property to my father? We want it done in the legal way, but obviously want to minimise costs. There is no conflict between us on price or conditions etc. There should be a more straig...

  • Transfer of property By Guest on 30/10/2014

    Hi. I need some advice and support in terms of transferring the property I have with my ex husband into his name. I understand that I need a transfer of deeds?...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Appointment of new trustee By Guest on 30/10/2014

    The property is owned by a trust. On purchase, the TR1 was signed by the two original trustees. An additional trustee is to be appointed. Does a new TR1 have to be file?...

    Land Registry
