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  • Transfer of property By Guest on 30/10/2014

    Hi. I need some advice and support in terms of transferring the property I have with my ex husband into his name. I understand that I need a transfer of deeds?...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Appointment of new trustee By Guest on 30/10/2014

    The property is owned by a trust. On purchase, the TR1 was signed by the two original trustees. An additional trustee is to be appointed. Does a new TR1 have to be file?...

    Land Registry
  • Incorrect title plans By Guest on 28/10/2014

    It appears that a public right of way was incorrectly marked on the conveyance, what is necessary to correct this error...

    Land Registry
  • When should a pre-completion s By Guest on 28/10/2014

    When should a pre-completion search be made in relation to the actual completion? I.E. Should this be done before the day of exchange / completion and what guidance in terms of timings to request this search should be adhered to by the solicitor in order ...

  • matrimonial land registry By Guest on 27/10/2014

    Hello. I have a matrimonial land registry form on a property I live in with my husband and he wishes to change the mortgage provider, with my consent, and on doing this previously 2 years ago I had to sign an agreement to this. ...

    Land Registry
  • Remortgage and restrictions By Guest on 26/10/2014

    I have a restriction on my title deed where consent is needed from the managing company. Is consent needed where I'm remortgaging and therefore only the lender is changing?...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • subject to contract By Guest on 25/10/2014

    Hi my name is Steve we have received a letter from their solicitors and their are 2 things I am not sure of the first is - With regard to the revised Transfer this is not approved as it will need to be executed by your client ( presume ly us ) as she ent...

  • Access By Guest on 25/10/2014

    What are the implications of owning an access road...

  • Tr1. Document. Box 10. By Guest on 25/10/2014

    Tr1 box 10. Hold on trust in ticked. But no shares defined or trust document
    Is it held as 50/50 equal share

    Land Registry
  • land registration fee for a fi By Guest on 22/10/2014

    land registration fee for a first registration...

