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  • I am asking my conveyancing solicitor to ensure that there is a minimum of 14 days between exchange of contracts and completion. Is this a reasonable demand? By Guest on 17/03/2015

    My conveyancing solicitor is trying to get me to committ to a completion date without first definitely fixing a date for exchange of contracts....

  • Are the standard conditions of sale copyright? By Guest on 17/03/2015

    As a DIY conveyancer can I obtain paper copies of the Law Society's Standard Condions or can I just refer to them in the contract that I draw up for the sale of my house?b...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Add Names By Guest on 17/03/2015

    I have two properties both registered to myself and my wife, I would like to add my son to one and my son and daughter to the other. All as joint tenants....

    Land Registry
  • completion procedure By Guest on 16/03/2015

    I have purchased a flat at auction on leashold ( 999 yrs )and have exchanged contracts.
    Can you tell me the steps for completions
    I can see I need to pay the seller ( does this actually require a solicitor?) and I need to change the information on th...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • New build house purchase By frankgalpin on 16/03/2015

    I am buying a new build house which is leasehold I requested a TP1 form from the builder's solicitor - they replied I can confirm that a TP1 is not applicable as you are purchasing on a leasehold basis. We have a Lease on file signed by yourselves toge...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Indemntiy policy By Guest on 13/03/2015

    Indemnity insurance is only covered when the works out carried out more than12 months ago, my understanding. What proof would I show to the insurer in order to get indemnity policy. How can I proof that the internal wall removal was complete las March?...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • Transfer of equity as Gift By Guest on 13/03/2015

    My parents jointly own a house (no mortgage) and would like to gift it to me and my husband, (full transfer the equity), and remove themselves from it. Is there any issues I should be aware of? Can I use a DIY kit? What is your advice re potential problem...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • covenant restriction query By Guest on 12/03/2015

    if a covenant states : not to carry on or permit to be carried on any wholesale or retail trade or business or manufacturing business or use or permit to be used working machines other than of a purely domestic nature on the land thereby conveyed or in an...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • Off-plan property purchase dispute By Guest on 12/03/2015

    Am just weeks away from completion on a off-plan property where the actual measurements in the flat are not as were stated on the drawings. Although the drawings were written as a guidance only, one room is 2.5 sqM less then drawn.
    How much can the selle...

  • Dad wants to give his half to his daughters By Guest on 11/03/2015

    My Dad is divorcing my Mum as she had an affair. He has only 6mths to live and wants me to own his half of the house. They are joint tenants. Is this possible without the permission of my Mum? She still wants to own all of the house. ...

    Transfers & Gifts
