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  • Who pays the Estates company who own the leasehold to confirm the account is up to date? By Guest on 27/04/2015

    I am purchasing a terraced house whose leasehold is held by an private Estates company. I have been told this company mau charge up to £150 to confirm in writing that the ground rent payment of £3 up to date. Who pays this : the seller/owner or ...

    Land Registry
  • Environmental Indemnity Insurance By Guest on 27/04/2015

    My solicitor has told me I need Environmental Indemnity Insurance for contaminated land but says that he has to source it and his cost is £95 + VAT, which is quite a steep admin fee, so was wondering if I was able to obtain it and if so where/whom fr...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • restrictive covenants By Guest on 27/04/2015

    If i redeem the rentcharge can the restrictive covenants still be enforce by the previous rentcharge owner ?...

    Land Registry
  • restriction registered on property By Guest on 24/04/2015

    4 years ago my father passed away, I have now been informed that his ex wife house (they divorced 20 years ago) was held as tenants in common, i am aware what tenants in common mean and have checked the register, it advises that there is a restriciton "no...

    Land Registry
  • Buyer's lender requires indemnity insurance By Spud on 24/04/2015

    Indemnity insurance is being requested for some very minor improvement work carried out 5 years ago (small number of double glazed windows and low voltage down lighters to kitchen wth no certificates available). Can I insist that this is purchased at the...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Restriction Notice By Guest on 23/04/2015

    I have a joint ownership mortgage which my ex-wife , she as agreed the proceeds of the sale will revert to me , however I have just been informed that a restriction notice have been placed on the title deeds by her bank for monies she owes , the amounts t...

    Land Registry
  • Conveyance deed dated 1933 By Guest on 21/04/2015


    I am looking to buy a property that has an old conveyance deed dated 1933. This is listed on the land registry. It is a freehold property so just wanted to know how it affected the property. Could i send attachments then I can show the deed and th...

    Land Registry
  • copy of 5th edition By Guest on 21/04/2015

    is it possible to read the conditions that apply...

  • Lease extension By Guest on 21/04/2015

    I have a short lease and I cannot sell my property. I cannot afford the lease extension. The landlord has agreed to extend the lease at the point that I have a buyer if I undertake to pay for the extension out of the sale proceeds. How would this work fr...

  • confirming no work pending By Guest on 17/04/2015

    neighbour upstairs maisonette asking us(lower maisonette) to sign for her buyer that we are not aware of works due payable by both leaseholders. Is this acceptable standard practice? Many thanks....

