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  • Registering a property with land registery By Guest on 01/09/2023

    I own an unregistered property that was bought in 1980 and mortgage paid off in 1996, the lender was looking after the deeds but are now going to send them to me. How much would you charge to register the property that has no mortgage on it....

    Land Registry
  • Name of a deceased proprietor does not match name on grant of probate By Guest on 28/08/2023

    The name on the land registry for the deceased proprietor is Middle Name, First Name compared to First Name, Middle Name on the Grant of Probate. Can it be changed on the Land Registry in the event of sale?...

    Land Registry
  • Floored attic By Guest on 23/08/2023

    I am selling property with floored attic. There were beams that were from the roof to nearly the middle of the attic floor. When these were taken away they were replaced by joists at the sides and at the top of the roof.
    Thereby making walls and a ceili...

  • 60/40 split but I pay 50/50 mortgage By Guest on 19/08/2023

    Hi, our TR1 form is a TIC with a 60/40 split. However I’ve been paying 50/50 on the mortgage. Will the 60/40 split only relate to the initial transfer price, so any profit after that amount will be split 50/50 or will it be the whole sale price of the p...

  • Why am I being asked to fill out the RX3 for removing a restriction on a house I don't own By Guest on 18/08/2023

    We sold my late grandparents house last year which had a restriction on it. The new owners want that removed and the solicitor has sent the form to us. we don't want to pay any solicitors fees and as far as we are concerned have nothing to do with the pro...

    Land Registry
  • Lease and Freehold on same property By Guest on 18/08/2023

    I am interested in a property which has been divided into 2 parts. Upstairs is freehold and downstairs is leasehold. Both parts are being sold, but I wondered who would own the lease and also, when buying the property would the leaseholder need to be no...

  • Panel 14 on form AP1 By Guest on 15/08/2023

    I am executor of my father's estate where he and mum, who survives, are tenants in common of the house they lived in. Dad left his half of the house to my brother. So, in effect, the house transfers from my Mum and Dad to my Mum and brother. Do both my mu...

    Land Registry
  • Is land charge valid By Paul N on 10/08/2023

    Hi.. I would appreciate your guidance.
    My buyer has identified a land charge against a previous owner of my unregistered property, a civ estate contract. The Charge relates to land affected in another parish, does not mention land in the parish where my ...

  • Extending my lease By Guest on 09/08/2023

    I have a 110 years lease with 85 years remaining at what stage. Should I extend the lease is it too early ...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Notice to complete By Guest on 07/08/2023

    HI, I have a question regarding a notice to complete. Does a seller have a deadline in which to serve a notice to complete. We are in a nightmare scenario where the bank has refused to release funds under a power of attorney. Thank you...

