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  • Tenant in common, deceased sale By Guest on 05/10/2023

    I am an executor & beneficiary of my late father's estate.
    My father owned his house as a tenant in common with his cousin (2/3 ownership).
    His cousin has moved out and wants to sell, as do all the beneficiaries.
    Can I, as the executor, handle the sal...

  • Transfering of Deeds to a family member By Guest on 05/10/2023

    We currently live in a house that I bought with my parents, we all own a percentage, can my parents transfer their share to me so I can take the mortgage on by myself?...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Disclosable overriding interest AP1 By Guest on 26/09/2023

    Is an AST tenancy a disclosable overriding interest and if it is do I need to get the tenant to complete a personal verification form eg ID1 or 2. ...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Trust/tenants in common/ joint tennancy By Guest on 24/09/2023

    My dad is downsizing, and we have discussed putting the new house in 3 daughters name to avoid probate when he dies, will we all have to pay stamp duty? And is there a 7 year issue...

  • Dan Burke By Guest on 15/09/2023

    I'm preparing to apply for a mortgage, and I have a history of poor credit, including a past IVA registration that has since been removed. I'm curious if the solicitor's bankruptcy search will uncover my previous IVA details. Is it possible for me to obta...

  • how do we transfer ownership? By jaimeexup on 12/09/2023

    so how do we transfer ownership?...

  • What next? By jaimeexup on 10/09/2023

    I've registered, what do I do now?...

  • Stamp duty higher rate By Guest on 08/09/2023

    Hi if my sister is buying out her ex boyfriend from their main residence, the property is valued at £270,000 but she also has just inherited a 50:50 split of a second property from her late father, does she need to still pay the higher rate sdlt? There a...

  • Are there any lenders that will lend with an absent management company. By Guest on 07/09/2023

    Hello, we’ve been told that our lender (Halifax) won’t lend due to there being an absent management company for the external communal area. (They have agreed an Indemnity policy is okay for the absent landlord)...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Responsibility for ensuring planning permission was complied with By Guest on 03/09/2023

    Is my new build conveyancing solicitor responsible for ensuring that planning permission requirements were met? And if later found to be that the solicitor missed a planning requirement leading to an enforcement notice being served on us a new owners - is...

    Planning & Building Regs
