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  • Title Splitting By Guest on 28/08/2020

    We want to purchase a property that has two kitchens. This is making it difficult to find a mortgage provider. How could we go about splitting the title of the property so we could get a mortgage on a property with just one kitchen? Many many thanks for a...

  • Landlord fees for selling leasehold flat over £2000, are they all necessary and legal? By Guest on 28/08/2020

    My landlord (housing association) has listed fees of over £2000 for me to sell my flat. Please can you tell me if they are all necessary and if they can charge that much?
    - If Network Homes is the managing agent, please note that our Sales Management P...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Man will not vacate premises after owners have died By Guest on 27/08/2020

    Elderly couple rent out loft extension to a man for 30 years. Elderly couple have died and man will not vacate premises stating he has a secure tenancy. House is worth £2 million. He has offered £670,000. House has been left to charities. He can lo...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Do I need an Absence of Easement Insurance Policy By Guest on 27/08/2020

    Our land registry clearly shows that the front garden of two teraaced houses is split directly down the middle. Both gardens have front walls and exactly in the middle is a wide opening to the pavement with a front gate. Both parties can walk out the gate...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • Loft conversion 2004 By Guest on 27/08/2020

    Had a loft conversion done in 2004 to building regs at the time but did not get final certification - now selling house and getting a retrospective cert but should it be done to the regs at the time of the build (early 2004) or to current regs?...

  • Removing daughter off title deed By Guest on 26/08/2020

    My daughter is currently named on the title deed of the family home.

    We are planning to take her name off the title deed (no mortgage)

    She then intends to purchase a property with her husband.

    Is there any implications of doing this? I understa...

    Land Registry
  • Can management company alter TP1 without informing owners affected? By Guest on 25/08/2020

    Hi, I own and live in a freehold property in a small estate of 23 houses and 3 blocks of flats. The estate road is adopted by the local authority but the area is covered by a management company to which I pay a small annual fee. The only purpose of the ma...

    Land Registry
  • Were building regulations necessary for an open plan conservatory built in 2009? By Guest on 25/08/2020

    I'm in the process of buying a house but I can't find any building regulations relating to open plan conservatories.
    (An external wall has been knocked down to create the conservatory and there is no separation between it and the house). ...

    Planning & Building Regs
  • garage not got red line round it By Guest on 25/08/2020

    garage with apartment not got red line around it...

    Land Registry
  • Possessory title By Guest on 24/08/2020

    I'm looking at a house and land with possessory title and wondered if it would be possible to sell part of the land to a developer once purchased? ...

    Land Registry
