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  • Deed holder verses the Landlord By Guest on 30/09/2020

    Hello I have a business to which I rent the building from our local council , my question is that when we have tried to improve the business ie building extension ,alcohol license the local council has stated we need permission and consent from the Deed h...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Property gift transfer By Guest on 30/09/2020

    My brother and I plan to pay off our fathers Life Time mortgage. in turn he would gift us the property which is leasehold. We would like some advice on how to proceed. ...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • How do I transfer a possenionary title to. my main house By Guest on 29/09/2020

    I have lived in my house for 19 years and have proof of a tiny piece of land joining it (with it's own title number) through undisputed possesion should now be registered to my main residence. How do I go about it please. ...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • GIFTING A PROPERTY By Guest on 29/09/2020

    My father has a Lifetime mortgage with AVIA on his flat which is now £61000 that can only be paid off in full as they would not allow monthly payments

    Can both myself and my brother settle his mortgage and having the flat signed over to both of u...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Can I remove charging order if ex is deceased By Guest on 28/09/2020

    After my divorce a charging order was placed for my ex. My ex died 5 years ago can I remove the charge as my house will be left to our children who were his beneficiaries...

    Land Registry
  • is my conncted to mains sewerage By Guest on 28/09/2020

    i need to know whether my house is connected to mains sewerage and what type it is, however I have no idea. Are you able to help? thank you ...

  • Gifting flat with mortgage to avoid high income tax on renatl By Guest on 27/09/2020

    Hi, I have a property (mortgaged in my name) that I am forced to rent as we are moving homes. I lived in the flat with my wife and 2 children. Now, we have moved to another place and currently renting.

    Since I fall under high income tax bracket, I wo...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • under shared owned property status, By Guest on 27/09/2020

    We own a property in Cyprus, we believe they follow UK property law. We have encumbrances against our title because the developer did not finish a road which was in the original planning application adjacent to the houses. The title is going to be issued ...

    Land Registry
  • title deeds and registration By Guest on 25/09/2020

    i have built a property in my parents' garden, how can i put it in my name...

    Land Registry
  • Contract amendments By Guest on 25/09/2020

    I have been sent a contract(5th ed) to sign but it has my name typed with my middle name added in pen and the purchase price was incorrect so has been crossed out and re-typed. Should I sign it or ask for a new one to be sent with the correct information ...

