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  • Capital Gains Advice By Guest on 05/08/2022

    I am looking to sell my primary residence that I have lived in for 4 years, I own a second house that has been rented for the past 9 years but has become vacant, if I was to move into this property after sale of the house we reside in now, would I have to...

  • Historic toilet block on neighbours land By Guest on 03/08/2022

    I am in a row of terraces - with a right of way over the back of the two others for taking bins out etc . . The end terrace has a historic carriageway (now their drive) and on the deeds show a toilet block, one toilet that belonged to my house . When thes...

    Land Registry
  • Transfer of equity By Guest on 01/08/2022

    hello my brother and i have inherited my mums house although i am buying his share via a joint mortgage with my partner who's not a beneficiary but he has a number of properties in his own name what form do i need as1 tr1?...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Removing a second charge when company is dormant By Guest on 30/07/2022

    I was hoping to exchange on a property last week until our solicitor found an additional (second) charge on the property we're looking to purchase; said solicitor was already aware of one mortgage, but not the other. This additional mortgage dates to the ...

    Land Registry
  • TR1 not being signed By Guest on 28/07/2022

    I am the beneficiary of my house as ex went bankrupt so he has no financial interest in my property but he won’t sign the tR1, how do I get it done as trying to remortgage ...

    Land Registry
  • Transfer of Equity By Guest on 26/07/2022

    My daughter and boyfriend want to buy a home which has the conditions of only being available to first time buyers, which they are, and can only sell to other first time buyers. In a few years, they want to move to new house but want to let his Mum move i...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • How do I claim unregistered land. By Guest on 23/07/2022

    I have a small area of land that connects my drive to the street which does not show up on mine or my neighbours title deeds. How do I go about registering it so that I can have it properly maintained by having it completely tarmacked. I originally used t...

    Land Registry
  • New build shared ownership, solicitor won’t exchange contracts until proof of ownership by association is shown By Guest on 23/07/2022

    Our solicitor won’t exchange contracts with our housing association until she sees proof that they are legally bound to buy the property from the developer.
    We can’t wait until ownership has passed to them because the property will be re marketed by...

  • Legal charge removal By Guest on 19/07/2022


    I currently own a property that was in part funded by a deposit contribution from my father. At the time, it was decided that this would be protected for him by setting up a second legal charge that is registered on the land registry. I am currentl...

    Land Registry
  • Selling my house to my wife By Guest on 14/07/2022


    Can anyone tell me if the following is possible:

    I own a house in England, I am the sole name on the deeds and bought the house before I met my wife.

    We are tying to buy a new house.

    She has never owned property before.

    I would ...

