• Boundary Issue

    By Guest on 02nd Sep 2022


    My title plan documents do not state what side of the fence belongs to me. I have searched online for the neighbouring properties on each side and there is no indication. I have contacted the Land Registry to ask the same question and they advised that there is no archived documents on any of the properties stating this information. My issue is one side of the fence needs to be replaced the letting agent who rents to property thinks that I need to replace it. Whereby some 14 years ago the neighbour on the other side had a panel that was damaged in bad weather and was leaning into their garden and they approached me and asked me to fix it, as they said that that side of the fence was mine. That neighbour has since moved on and the current owners had the same issue with panels from the fence being damaged and they replaced the entire side of the fence without a second thought. So, I need to know which side of the fence belongs to me?

    Thank you

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