• How Do I Fill In These Sections On The TR1 Form? I Am A Widow And My Late Husband And I Were Tenants In Common

    By Guest on 04th Sep 2022

    A friendly solicitor in my small town (Nailsworth) has informed me that I can do the TR1 form without needing to appoint an expert. My late husband and I had mirrored trust wills and I understand that now his 50% of the property should be held in trust for our two children (currently aged 11 and 13). There is no outstanding mortgage and it was owned 50% by him and the other 50% by myself.I successfully applies for grant of probate. I have tried to fill in the TR1 form but have not yet found the answers I am looking for for some of the sections. Please can I ask / check on the following:
    Section 4: I just give my name?
    Section 5: Do I put myself and my childrens' names here? There isn't much space.
    Section 8: I don't know which box to tick here.
    Section 9: Am I correct to tick the first box; 'full title guarantee'?
    Section 10: Do I tick the third box and then detail myself as 50%, my son as 25% and my daughter as 25%. I understand that as trustee of my late husband's land trust, I am the person with the power to appoint any additional trustee. Does this go in section 10 as well?
    Section 11: Is this where I need to state that a will's trust of the deceased was held as on......(enter date of will)?
    Section 12: Can I check I need to enter the below twice; once for me and once for the new trustee?:
    Signed as a deed by (full name of transferor)_________________ (signature)

    In the presence of: _________________(signature of witness)

    (print full name and address of witness)

    I really hope you can help.It is not easy for the lay person to fill out correctly.

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