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  • Keys? By Guest on 19/11/2018

    The house I'm buying has been empty for some time, and was owned by a person now deceased. When I viewed, the estate agent did not have all the keys, but assured me that the vendor did have a key to each door. Now that seems not to be the case - some exte...

  • deed of trust where the amount of deposit is not relevant By clonkish on 19/11/2018

    My wife are currently joint tenants on 3 properties which we currently hold as joint tenants. We intend to change this to tenants in common and weight ownership 99% to my wife and 1% to me (for tax purposes). Deposits are irrelevant in this case so how w...

    Land Registry
  • Transfer between son and daughter By Guest on 19/11/2018

    I have a property which is currently register in name of my son & daughter. I want to transfer this property to my son name only, without any payment of cash, ie as a gift.. The property worth approx £ 100,000.00. Does my son have to inheritance tax on t...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • I need to add my new build to my title deed at land registry By Guest on 18/11/2018

    I have title at Land registry for land only how do I add my new build property to the land registry title...

    Land Registry
  • Removal of a Restriction By Gimmerknowe on 15/11/2018

    This relates to my previous question, 'Problems with form ST5':
    I think that the following is the restriction that needs to be undone. How should I go about achieving that?
    "No disposition of a sole proprietor of the registered estate (except a trust co...

    Land Registry
  • Problem with form ST5 By Gimmerknowe on 15/11/2018

    I need help completing the Land Registry form ST5 which I submitted with all other forms required to cancel a deed of trust. It has been returned to me seeking an answer to paragraph 4 and seeking further clarification on para 3 The deed was created becau...

    Land Registry
  • Transfer of property on title deeds By Guest on 15/11/2018

    My partner is being given a 'gift' from his parents of a barn on the farm to convert for us to live in, we are not yet married (we will be next year) and as a gift can only be transferred to family members will my partner be able to add me to the title de...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Solicitor processing my purchase as a leasehold or freehold? By Guest on 13/11/2018


    I am purchasing a house which is currently leasehold, but is “freehold on completion” as the vendors are using the money from the sale to purchase the freehold. My question is based around whether my solicitor should be processing my conveyanci...

  • Land Registry By Guest on 12/11/2018

    Can you confirm if my spouse name can be added to the land registry on my shared ownership property. On sale of the property I would only get a share of it not the sole beneficial owner....

    Land Registry
  • Freeholder not responding to requests for certificate of compliance By Guest on 11/11/2018

    What can I do regarding lack of response from freeholder? This is holding up my purchase and my chain is about to collapse...

    Land Registry
