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  • how long does it take for an os3 to come through By Guest on 30/11/2018

    how long will it take for an os3 to show once raised as waiting to exchange and complete

  • Deed of transfer By Guest on 30/11/2018

    How do I get a deed of transfer to my ex wife on a house with a 16.5% equity in the house to be payed to me in 2022 and how much will it cost....

  • Title deeds By Guest on 30/11/2018

    when buying apartment in a block containing 6 apartments where there is 2 apartments on each floor should the position of the apartment be stated in the title deeds. ...

    Land Registry
  • Mortgage vs Remortgage By Guest on 28/11/2018

    A and B hold legal estate and a mortgage on property. The property needs to be "remortgaged" -- the borrower for the new borrowing will include person C. Options for new borrowing are: (1) C alone or (2) C with A or B. For each option, is the borrow...

  • Why will my conveyancer not exchange contracts without the OS2 form? By Guest on 27/11/2018

    Conveyancer says you can't exchange without as I have a mortgage but I keep reading this can be done after exchange. is this true? My conveyancer has been dragging this exchange out over 2 weeks past the due date....

    Land Registry
  • garden shed By Guest on 27/11/2018

    I purchased a house within a new development. on the TP1 form, the drawing of the land and building include a garden shed, which does not currently exist. can i make the developer put a garden shed in due to the fact that they put in on the drawing when s...

  • Add a party to a property By Guest on 24/11/2018

    I own my house with a mortgage roughly 50% ltv can I add my new husband legally without amending the mortgage , as my credit is now poor and his is good??...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Communal Parking on my land By Guest on 23/11/2018

    One of the TP1 covenant says: communal parking included in the plot shall not be enclosed by fencing or any other means within the plot but shall for ever be kept open and available for communal use.

    But it is my land can I get it back to my own usage?...

    Planning & Building Regs
  • I transferred my house in to daughters name By Guest on 22/11/2018

    I transferred my house into my daughters name in 2014. I want to sell as house too big for me but she won't let me sell. Is there anything I can do? I paid for house 40 years ago so do I have any rights? Can I sell anyway?...

    Land Registry
  • transfer of deeds By Guest on 22/11/2018

    can my ex husband transfer he share of the deeds into just my name but keep his name on the mortgage if he signs a consent order for the courts...

    Transfers & Gifts
