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  • Is it straightforward to reassign the percentage ownership of a house which is currently held by joint owners? By Guest on 28/07/2018

    My husband and I are joint owners (50:50) of an unencumbered property. We would like to legally re-adjust the percentage of ownership - to say 99:1 - to take advantage of the fact that I don't pay any tax at the moment and we are letting our house out so...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Pulling out of one house to buy another By Guest on 28/07/2018

    We’re very far into the process of buying a house, searches back, queries raised and mostly answered etc, but another house that we lost out on originally has now become available again. My question is, if you pull out of buying a house when youâ...

  • Porch By Guest on 28/07/2018

    I built a small porch that didn’t require building reges, but have now realised I was suppose to get permission from the vendor before building but now I have already built it what do I do ?...

    Planning & Building Regs
  • I am looking for a deferred house purchase agreement By Guest on 26/07/2018

    I am looking for a deferred house purchase agreement to enable remedial works to be completed...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Permisions By Guest on 26/07/2018

    There is a small parcel of land for sale I would like to buy but ||I need to find out first if I would get permissions to operate a holiday camper van and/or chalet and/or camping site on it. it lies within the south downs national park that is currently ...

    Planning & Building Regs
  • Title Deeds By Guest on 25/07/2018

    Is it a legal requirement to add a Brick Built Garage to the Title Deeds ?...

    Land Registry
  • Title Deeds By Guest on 25/07/2018

    Is it a legal requirement to add a Brick Built Garage to the Title Deeds ?...

    Land Registry
  • transfering property to parents By Guest on 25/07/2018

    hi I transferred a property to my parents 14 years ago on the understanding that it would come back to me when they die however they have told me they have left it between all the children where do I stand?...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Form AP1 By Guest on 25/07/2018

    Do I need a solicitor to lodge this with my mortgage lender?
    Do I need to let my mortgage lender know that my ex husband is completing form AP1 and transferring the property from joint into my sole name?...

    Land Registry
  • Transfer of Title By Guest on 25/07/2018

    My ex partner and I are tenants in common. There is no mortgage and I am buying him out. He will then have his name removed from the title deed. Can I do that with your DIY Equity Forms?...

    Land Registry
