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  • buying a property By Guest on 25/05/2019

    there is an equity release firm on the land registry ...

    Land Registry
  • If a piece has land has a caution on it By Guest on 25/05/2019

    If after completing and exchanging contracts it transpires that each sol was working off a different plan (surveyors plan that outlined the land to be sold in red)..... and having exchanged the seller won’t sign sign the new TP1 in order the transfer th...

  • Buying Land By Guest on 24/05/2019

    Hi I wonder if you can help me please. I am buying a piece of land running at the back of my property of a neighbour to make my garden larger. Ten properties in total are buying portion of land its an old paddock. Well my question is my solicitor is been ...

  • Declaration of Trust query By Guest on 24/05/2019

    Hi, I would like some advice regarding a Declaration of Trust document between the co-freeholders of a period conversion. I completed on the purchase of a flat in a 3-flat conversion of an Edwardian house last September. At the time of conveyancing proces...

  • Property being sold to a developer By Guest on 23/05/2019

    If a property is sold to a property developer eg under part exchange, does the property developer have to register the sale with teh land registry or is there a way that they 'hold' the property in a similar way to how a car is when sold to a garage?...

  • conservatory By Guest on 23/05/2019

    I have bought a bungalow which had a conservatory added 9 years before I purchased ,,the property is leasehold and nobody told the landlord and asked permission what are the implications for me?...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Title deeds and plans don't match By Guest on 23/05/2019

    I'm selling my home and my solicitor has written to land registry as the deeds refer to a brown line and a tinted mauve line, which are not drawn on the plans. How quickly can this be resolved as I'm concerned it could hold up the sale. ...

    Land Registry
  • proprietorship register , title absolute. RESTRICTION: By Guest on 22/05/2019

    Hi . please could you help me with this, would this restriction stop me purchasing the piece of land from my mother RESTRICTION: No disposition by a sole proprietor of the
    registered estate (except a trust corporation) under which capital
    money arises ...

    Land Registry
  • 2 bed flat conversion to 2 1 bed flats By Guest on 22/05/2019

    I'm seeking advice as I have had mixed feedback as follows. I have a large 2 bed flat in nottingham of 90sqm I'm planning to change to a 1 bed flat of 50sqm and a studio flat of 40sqm. Would both flats need to be brought up to new regulations or just the ...

    Planning & Building Regs
  • Change of home ownership By Guest on 22/05/2019

    Hi, I brought my house with my daughter 5 years ago and she has now decided to leave. We have Agreed a value with my daughter to pay her for her share. I am planning on changing the deeds and mortgage to me and my husband. I am also wanting to recognise t...

    Transfers & Gifts
