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  • B and b land registry By Guest on 26/05/2019

    Trying to buy a bed and breakfast, but cannot find the business on land registry. Is this strange?...

    Land Registry
  • Charges register By Guest on 25/05/2019

    My father died leaving a house with no mortgage, but with a charges register to my.mother who divorced him. She since that time remarried, but has now died herself. Does the charge monies agreed go to her widdower, or does it end?...

    Land Registry
  • RTM Co and Freehold Division By Guest on 25/05/2019

    I am a director of an RTM Company and we have placed an agreed notice of the RTM Co's right to manage the land that is subject to the freehold, in the Proprietorship Register of the freeholders entry in the Land Register. The freeholder is now planning to...

  • Original shared ownership lease document By Guest on 25/05/2019

    I am selling my share of a shared ownership house. Our buyers solicitor wants the original lease document not the copy we have provided. Who will have this and how do I get hold of it?...

    Landlord & Leases
  • buying a property By Guest on 25/05/2019

    there is an equity release firm on the land registry ...

    Land Registry
  • If a piece has land has a caution on it By Guest on 25/05/2019

    If after completing and exchanging contracts it transpires that each sol was working off a different plan (surveyors plan that outlined the land to be sold in red)..... and having exchanged the seller won’t sign sign the new TP1 in order the transfer th...

  • Buying Land By Guest on 24/05/2019

    Hi I wonder if you can help me please. I am buying a piece of land running at the back of my property of a neighbour to make my garden larger. Ten properties in total are buying portion of land its an old paddock. Well my question is my solicitor is been ...

  • Declaration of Trust query By Guest on 24/05/2019

    Hi, I would like some advice regarding a Declaration of Trust document between the co-freeholders of a period conversion. I completed on the purchase of a flat in a 3-flat conversion of an Edwardian house last September. At the time of conveyancing proces...

  • Property being sold to a developer By Guest on 23/05/2019

    If a property is sold to a property developer eg under part exchange, does the property developer have to register the sale with teh land registry or is there a way that they 'hold' the property in a similar way to how a car is when sold to a garage?...

  • conservatory By Guest on 23/05/2019

    I have bought a bungalow which had a conservatory added 9 years before I purchased ,,the property is leasehold and nobody told the landlord and asked permission what are the implications for me?...

    Landlord & Leases
