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  • Purchase of unregistered land By Guest on 10/05/2019

    A non UK resident owns some unregistered agricultural land which I would like to purchase. How do I check he actually owns it? The land is surrounded by other agricultural land and has no boundary fencing. Also how do I value it please?...

    Land Registry
  • Log Burner with no certification By Guest on 10/05/2019

    We are just about to exchange on a house we are buying but the seller has no certificates for the log burner, could we still get insurance without this? i.e use as ornamental?...

  • How much is the fee for someone to sign an ID1 form By Guest on 10/05/2019

    Fee for ID1 form...

    Land Registry
  • Title deed RESTRICTION By Guest on 09/05/2019

    I am buying a house and it has a RESTRICTION: No disposition of the registered estate by the proprietor of the registered estate is to be registered without a written consent signed by the proprietor for the time being of the Charge dated 25 October 2017 ...

    Land Registry
  • Registering a charge on a property By Guest on 09/05/2019

    My wife and i are separatin, will divorce in 6 months. She is remortgaging the house and paying me 25% of the equity now and 25% in 5 years when our daughter leaves school. How do i register the charge with the land registry? I dont know what forms to ...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Absolute title - Shared Ownership By Guest on 08/05/2019

    Hi, I bought a property in 2006, a 50% share with a housing association. Looking at the HM Land Registry I am deemed to be holding 'Title Absolute'. Why is this? I would expect that the Housing Association would also have the same title? Also, what does t...

    Land Registry
  • 2 flats on 1 freehold deed, By Guest on 08/05/2019

    i have 2 flats on 1 frehold deed. i want to release equity on the 2 properties so I can buy another house but ive been advised I need to split the deeds so I can get a remortage on them is this correct?...

  • CML Compliance By Guest on 08/05/2019

    I am selling a property that on the documentation I stated had access to parking, the buyers wanted this changed in the deeds to show the parking space as part of the property, I have been unable to this as it the area is owned by a housing association, t...

  • Indemnity insurance on expired searches By Guest on 07/05/2019

    Buying a new build house and the searches expire before we will compete so solicitor is asking us to take out indemnity insurance at cost of £200+. What does this mean? Should the builder be paying for the indemnity not us?...

  • Transfer of ex partners equity in house By Guest on 06/05/2019

    We jointly own a house which is still mortgaged at around 60% LTV He wishes simply to transfer it into my sole ownership. No payment involved. ...

    Transfers & Gifts
