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Questions Related To Neighbour Disputes

  • Restrictive Convenancy enforcement By Guest on 04/02/2025

    My neighbor persistently parks their vehicle on the shared pathway, obstructing access for all residents. Our restrictive covenant explicitly prohibits such impediments, clearly stating that pathways must remain unobstructed. The home builder, who estab...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Priority of 2 Conveyances By Guest on 06/03/2024

    We are involved in a boundary dispute. There are 2 conveyances, one dates from June 1930 which whilst it shows the size of the land of property B it doesn't show any measurements that place it accurately on the ground. The second Conveyance dated December...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • interpretation in plain english please By Guest on 04/08/2023

    “The grantors hereby jointly and severally covenant with the Grantees that the Grantor will at all times hereafter keep in good order and condition the pump and any other necessary apparatus“ ...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Does ‘no further building’ include outbuildings? By Guest on 24/08/2022

    If title deeds (Scotland) state ‘no further buildings shall be erected on the subjects here disponed’ does this include sheds/huts/outbuildings?
    Common interest land shared by four properties....

    Neighbour Disputes
  • How to gain ownership of a vacancy By Guest on 20/02/2022

    I am interested in a vacancy whom has been served a administrative search warrant but not sure how to go about this...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • what can I do regarding not being advised about an ongoing issue By Guest on 20/10/2021

    I have recently purchased a property with an allocated parking space that is shown on the deed as being part of the property. Sine moving in I have been made aware that there has been problems with this parking space. Mt next door Neighbour says it belong...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Fence maintenance By Guest on 13/07/2021

    If i repair a neighbours fence do i assume responsibility...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Shared gutters and downpipes By Guest on 02/07/2021

    I live and own a terraced house with joint gutter to next door's and the only downpipe is in their front garden. We both own & live in the terraced houses. This area is full of terraced houses from the 1930's where sharing gutters and downpipes is the nor...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Easement wording needed urgently By Guest on 29/06/2021

    Just over ten years ago, we had an en-suite fitted. It's on "the wrong side of the house" in that our drains run down the opposite side. Various options were considered for the drainage from the new en-suite and we ended up agreeing with our co-operativ...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Land ownership By Guest on 29/06/2021

    I own a farmhouse and outbuildings. barn burnt down so a new one was built 1983. now the company that owns the land next to it want rent as they say part was built on their land. they have never contacted me over this matter in all the years it was built....

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Hi I live at 38 Tyndall rd outter kaiti gisborne my neighbors thinks the fence is hers but I believe if the fence post is on my side then does it make it mine By Guest on 22/06/2021

    Please let me no which fences are mine ...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • We bought a new house that had chimney breasts removed years ago. The chimney is supported by a timber lintel. We have been advised this is insufficient and a steel beam needs installing to make it safe. Our neighbours have been given all this information By Guest on 16/03/2021

    We bought a new house that had chimney breasts removed years ago. The chimney is supported by a timber lintel. We have been advised this is insufficient and a steel beam needs installing to make it safe. Our neighbours have been given all this information...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • TP1 By Guest on 07/03/2021

    I moved onto a new estate and have a TP1 relating to service charge and maintenance of communal areas, there are 4 social units on the estate and after 18 months we were informed that the social units had a cap in their TP1 set at £260 per annum in perpe...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Private Drains running through neighbours property but not rights in the title deeds. By Sandeepmann on 14/02/2021

    We are in the process of buying a new self build house. The drains are connected to the neighbours property (private drains). There are no rights granted to access these or maintain these. What do I need to do?...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Gutter dispute By Guest on 31/01/2021

    I have had a dormer built mid terrace when the guttering is fitted it hangs over the centre line where the house s join my neighbor is arguing that it cannot be fitted is this a problem....

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Neighbour won’t sign tp1 form regarding flying freehold it’s stopping my house sale what can I do By Guest on 06/01/2021

    What are my options...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Flooring By Guest on 26/12/2020

    Hello hope everyone is well.
    I live in a maisonette first floor the neighbours underneath us are complaining about the impact noise. So I’ve ohad the whole flat layed with noise and impact reduction underlay and carpet. But they still complaining and ...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Flying freehold By Guest on 26/11/2020

    Selling house week away from completion buyers solicitor says flying freehold not on searches we have contacted neighbour owner but she still hasn’t signed relevant paperwork what are our rights over her not signing as our sale is in jeopardy ...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Residential property dispute By Guest on 24/08/2020

    Hi, I own and live in a freehold property in a small estate of 23 houses and 3 blocks of flats. The estate road is adopted by the local authority but the area is covered by a management company to which I pay a small annual fee. The only purpose of the ma...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Land title - access By Guest on 19/08/2020

    Would you be able to tell me what access rights someone has to/from an unadopted road from their title ?...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Private road. By Guest on 15/08/2020

    We brought a new build house in the close of 4 new houses. We are no.2 and front onto road leading up to their houses. They have told us that we and no. 1 are not allowed on the road or park our car outside our homes. There is nothing in the deeds to s...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Land used by neighbour By Guest on 28/07/2020

    Hello, we recently moved into a property and a small section of our garden was being used by our neighbour. We didn’t realise it was our land until several months after. The neighbour has been using it and thought it was his for the last 13 years. After...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Our property title says we have a garage but we can't find it. Can this be traced? By Guest on 02/07/2020

    Our property title says we have a garage but we can't find it....

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Steps to change the place of the right of way in a terrace house By Guest on 17/06/2020

    There is no conflict with neighbours but we want to change it ...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Cannabis use and dealing /supplying By Guest on 16/06/2020

    neighbour smoking/dealing/supplying smell in my house next door overwhelming from 9am till 11pm affecting my health developed a cough. can I get it stopped....

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Who is responsible for what when a property has a flying freehold? By Guest on 23/02/2020

    My neighbour's bedroom overhangs my ground floor toilet. She has discovered a damp patch which is caused by water seeping through poor brickwork on the exterior wall outside her bedroom. I currently don't have damp in my toilet. She would need to acces...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Covering legal costs in an encroachment case By Guest on 01/10/2019

    Hello. I bought a house a year ago and the surveyor did not notice the encroachment of next door;s extension. No Party Wall Act agreement is in force and the Council Planning Dept washes its hands under the Town & Country Planning Act saying the extensi...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Am i legally bound to pay part of the insurance for the coach house above my garage? By Guest on 20/09/2019

    I have owned a new build town house since 2008 and it has a garage under a coach house. I have never been asked to pay anything towards the insurance of the aforementioned coach house until a recent change of owner. the new owner that rents out the proper...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Title Register Amendments By Guest on 18/09/2019

    In TP1 document, the transferor (also neighbor) committed to waiving their right of way in the transferred land. However, that right still exists under their Title register. How can I change it ...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Land By Guest on 05/09/2019

    In 1970 my late husband had 12 inches of land so he could put is car in our garage in 1972 he died so I thought no more of this small piece of land until my neiubours house was sold the new owner is now threatning me with court action to get this small pi...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • how to stop neighbour using an alley that is entirely on our land By Guest on 27/08/2019

    we have bought a terraced house with an alley from front to back. all our upstairs room go over the alley and the alley is entirely within our title deeds boundary red lines. The house next door is owned by the council and they are trying to put a gate up...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Scotland - disclosing bad neighbours and disputes By Guest on 06/08/2019

    I want to know what the questions are regarding a sale in Scotland when neighbours have disputed. What is the exact question and on what form please?...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Right of access and egress By Guest on 09/07/2019

    We own a freehold private car park for our 12 apartments. There is a right of way across our car park for our neighborhood to access hi student car park.

    There is a large hatched area on our title deed originally made so large because the council orig...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Right of access and egress By Guest on 09/07/2019

    We own a freehold private car park for our 12 apartments. There is a right of way across our car park for our neighborhood to access his student car park.

    There is a large hatched area on our title deed originally made so large because the council ori...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Neighbours dispute By Guest on 25/06/2019

    Hi we got drainpipe changed during an extension now my neighbour claims its his pipe and is harrasing us saying you changed my pipe without permission . Can anypne advise me where i can find out if it is my pipe or his or if it is a shared pipe. He has b...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Boundary wall in wrong place By Guest on 22/06/2019

    I bought a Victorian terraced property with a creeping freehold five years ago ( my kitchen runs under next door’s bedroom/bathroom)& have since discovered that although it states quite clearly on my deeds that the outside yard boundary runs in line wit...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • SPIF FORM By Guest on 19/06/2019

    Does the SPIF form have to be completed in Scotland ...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • A gate dispute to a shared alley way between 2 terraced properties By Guest on 25/03/2019

    My father purchased his property in the 70's, his neighbour got his early 2000. The gate in the alleyway between the 2 houses has been there prior to my father buying his house. The neighbour has removed the lock (for which they had a key and so did my ...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • My (ancient) right of access v. my neighbour's Caution agains first registration (2003). By Guest on 10/03/2019

    My Deeds state I (the owner of my cottage) have ancient access rights from the road to my cottage over a 100 yard unregistered track. There is no other access to my home which is situated in the middle of fields. I am the only user. I have learned my nei...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • land ownership By Guest on 01/02/2019

    Neighbour is using land registered to us, we are new owners of the property, previous owners said there had been no boundary changes in last 20 years, but have now done a statutory declaration to the contrary

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Boundary issue By Guest on 03/08/2018

    Bought new house transfer map shows access rights to get to houses neighbours is second one in a row of three detached with own parking spaces iI’m the last one highlighted in pink the pink just overlaps my boundry boundary does this mean he can revers...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Could I be entitled to help from council By Guest on 05/07/2018

    I live in a semi detached property joining with my neighbors to my right on my left there is a council owned allyway to the private owed housing eastate behind me . I have lived here for 19 years and have replaced the fences a number of times. there are ...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Clarification regarding a garden wall - shared or not By Guest on 04/06/2018

    I live one side of the garden wall my neighbour lives the other side. The wall needs to be rebuilt or repaired, the quote received by this neighbour is £8000 and he says I own the wall. He will not disclose his T6A form when he bought his house which wou...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • How to get rid of a Covenant to stop access. By Guest on 18/05/2018

    My Boyfriend bought a house with some land, the people that sold him the house and land ask if they could still use the gate way into the field next door,while they sell the barn and field. There is another gate they could use to gain access into this par...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • I want my kids back By Guest on 02/04/2018

    I neglected to inform I fell while feeding my baby because my mother lost 2 children to docs a few years ago and my baby had a broken arm I reported 2 weeks later...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Confusion re boundaries By Guest on 26/03/2018

    We live on a private road (unadopted) with footpaths round the close. Our neighbours seem to think they own the footpath and to the middle of the road outside their property but we think we are all responsible. Also they are parking all over the footpat...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Neighbour sends letters moaning about fence By Guest on 17/03/2018

    Neighbour sends letters about a trellis put on our fence. No official dispute. Does this need to go on tr6 form section 2.1, 2.2 or 3.1?
    There is no official dispute just a letter from neighbour to which no reply was sent ...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • How can I get next door to move his conservatory back 18ins By Guest on 18/02/2018

    I have just purchased my late mothers flying freehold property. My mother became very depressed over next door building a huge conservatory in the blue shaded area on the title deeds. Not only that the length of conservatory exceeds length of internal pro...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • How to claim unregistered land By Guest on 14/02/2018

    We purchased a house which is registered with the land registry, i have the title deeds in my name , the land surrounding the house is unregistered. There are no title deeds and we do not know the owner. I applied for adverse possession that was rejected,...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Boundary dispute By Guest on 09/02/2018

    My house is a terraced house. The boundary runs through the party wall and down the garden (about 5 meters). It is very straightforward. I have a report from a RICS surveyor who confirms this is the case. My neighbour claims this is not the case as when h...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • party wall query By Guest on 01/12/2017

    A party wall award was drawn up between building owner and adjoining owner prior to works commencing which enabled building owner to remove a 1st floor glass conservatory which was an obstruction to raising the party wall. Works proceeded, and the new bri...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Accessway issues By Guest on 03/11/2017

    I have a path across my garden which on my title is called a tractor accessway for maintenance. This allows our neighbours to drive across and mow their field and is the only way for them to do so. However they have decided to use the accessway as a foo...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Can I get shared septic tank removed from deeds of own house and next door? By Guest on 07/10/2017

    Deeds show 50:50 split for maintenance of shared septic tank. They always refuse to pay 50% as there are less people living in their property. We're putting our own treatment plant in exclusively for our use. Can we get deeds changed so we have no resp...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Inhibition order By Guest on 20/08/2017

    Our neighbour is refusing to carry out substantial communal chimney repairs, can we get an inhibition order?...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Neighbour blocking access over right of way By Guest on 09/08/2017

    My title sates I have right of way over footpath to my left. 3 properties to my left have blocked off the right of way. It clearly states on my title deeds that I have this right of way however two of the properties were built in 1987 and the title deed h...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Disclosing senile neighbour on TA6 By Guest on 15/07/2017

    I believe my elderly neighbour has dimentia and have worried for her a few times. I managed to get hold of her sons contact information but he doesn't want to help her and neither does the state unless she is a danger to herself. She is very reclusive and...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Amenity land By Guest on 08/06/2017

    Please may you explain how this works please?... a right of way on foot only over that of the property shown coloured brown on the plan annexed hereto ( provided that the transferor and other parsons exercising the same shall also be permitted to use as a...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Does "Party Wall" include the fence... By Guest on 27/05/2017

    My land certificate says "... the house wall is a party wall and repairable and maintainable accordingly and that all ways paths drains gutters cisterns rainwater pipes and other easements or quasi easements not here in before specifically referred to now...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Right of access easement dispute By Guest on 11/05/2017

    Last year I bought a cottage with some land, it was previously one plot, a new title and easement was drawn up, splitting the land between me and my neighbour.(He has only just bought it) There is a right of access easement, but for some reason it has be...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • TP1 form. By Guest on 20/03/2017

    I have freehold house but share a commuanl car [ark with 6 leasehold flats who have a property management company to carry out maintenance etc. At no point during my purchase did my conyeyancing solicitor mention this and i am now being asked to contribut...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Deeds By Guest on 23/01/2017

    Land Registry cannot locate any deeds registered for our neighbours property including through a SIM search. We'd like to know where we stand with regards to deeds and any restrictions imposed by convenants but how can we do that when there is no history?...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Ensuring a Seller is Truthful on "SPIF" about complaints to His Neighbour, re: Noise & Garden Mess By Guest on 16/01/2017

    My next door neighbour is selling his property. He has been abusive for 5 years since moving in, and Complained about My Noise & My Removal of my Own Hedge, as it spoilt his Privacy. How can I make sure he states this on his SPIF form ? I feel he will n...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • One of the freeholders won't sign holding up the process of selling my share of the freehold By Guest on 09/01/2017


    Neighbour Disputes
  • easement By Guest on 16/12/2016

    The easement allows parking on condition half maintenance costs Àre paid. Can these costs include charges for work done in organising same...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • The rightful owner of the covenant By Guest on 15/12/2016


    We're trying to build an extension but we're bound to a restrictive covenant preventing us to do so. The transfer document has got an overseas company as the owner of the covenant but now we have another company claiming to own the rights.


    Neighbour Disputes
  • Does the following clause mean neighbour has right if access by anyone at anytime or just for necessary repairs and services. By Guest on 16/11/2016

    "of entry upon the Property (ie Martins) at all reasonable times (and at any time in an
    emergency) for the purposes of laying inspecting maintaining repairing and renewing
    Buildings comprised in the Retained Land and the Service Installations."...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Can a tenant enforce a Restrictive Covenant By Guest on 16/11/2016

    We have an assured shorthold tenancy. Would we have standing to enforce a

    restrictive covenant, concerning a neighbour parking on a shared driveway? Or can

    such a covenant only be enforced by the owner of the property (our landlord)....

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Drawing up a disclaimer for payment for a wall By Guest on 04/10/2016

    My neighbour has asked me to pay half for a wall in his property built to prevent my garden wall falling onto his property and damaging house. I am willing to pay half but he keeps asking when he can have the money which I understand as he has paid it al...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Restrictive Covenance By Guest on 12/09/2016

    The lady next door has told me that I cannot teach private yoga sessions in my home due to a restrictive covenant in place - I teach in clubs and spas and rarely have someone coming to my house and I don't see this as "running my business" from home - how...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Neighbours ROW over a passageway which is no longer there By Guest on 07/07/2016

    We have purchased a property where my neighbour to my left has ROW on foot only over a passageway to the right hand side and back of our garden. This passageway no longer exists. According to other neighbours who have lived in the street for a number of ...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Positive Covenant By Guest on 22/06/2016

    This relates to a boundary dispute. A Charge about the maintenance by my neighbours of a fence along the disputed boundary is recorded against their LR Title but no fence exists. Is the Charge legally binding?...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • How can the fellow freeholders of my late father's building hold up a sale of his flat? By Guest on 16/02/2016

    We are experiencing a lot of difficulty/ obstruction from one of the freeholders of the house my late father lived in with regards to selling his flat. There are 4 of us with share of freehold, my sister is executor for my father's estate. Because of a fa...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Covenants By Guest on 27/11/2015

    what is the legal position of covenants in a land sale if the transferee who signed up to these covenants does not pass them on to the vendors of the properties he builds, but the transferor from the initial land sale believes them to be in place. I am a...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Own Share of Freehold and one party is letting their flat become derelict By Guest on 14/09/2015

    I own a ground floor flat in a Victorian conversion and there are three other parties that share the freehold of the land. The persons who own the ground floor flat have left it unoccupied for 7-8 years and it has become very run down and has crack in...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Rights of way By Guest on 09/09/2015

    My property was sold to the previous owner on a right to buy from the council. The neighbouring land is still council owned. My neighbour uses a part of my property to access in and out of her property.. which they claim is a path and I claim it's not and...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • covenant on our deeds By Guest on 07/09/2015


    Neighbour Disputes
  • neigbour build trespass By Guest on 10/11/2014

    our neighbour built over our boundary onto a wall that held our conservatory roof up. They then built ontop of the wall over our listed building without issing notice getting owners consent lying to council during planning application and not signinging ...

    Neighbour Disputes
