• Covenants

    By Guest on 27th Nov 2015

    what is the legal position of covenants in a land sale if the transferee who signed up to these covenants does not pass them on to the vendors of the properties he builds, but the transferor from the initial land sale believes them to be in place. I am an owner who bought property from a developer. My deeds state I have to give the transferor access rights to a driveway I own to access his 2 retained plots of land. in 10 yrs he has never exercised this right as he has always access his land through 2 natural entrances onto his land off the country road and not my driveway. He now wants to develop this land and has produced covenants between himself (transferor) and the builder (transferee) that state he is allowed to build access points of this driveway for 2 access point( driveways) to the new properties. Also that the transferee is not allowed to object to development of no more than 2 properties. as these covenants were between the transferor and the transferee and not on my deeds when I bought the property 10.5 yrs ago, where do I stand?

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