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  • Right to buy Transfer By Guest on 18/06/2014

    Hello, My mother bought her propery under right to buy last year, and now would like to transfer the property to myself as a gift, is it possible to do with without being the discount being repayable?...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Stamp Duty query By keithscott on 14/06/2014

    I have agreed to purchase a property from my mother for £249,000. Recent valuations have valued it at £290,000. If HMRC decide to investigate (quite likely I imagine) can they demand that I pay 3% rather than 1% SDLT.

    Keith Scott...

  • Possessory Title 2 By Guest on 12/06/2014

    We were hoping to purchase land and build a few houses but it appears some of it will only have possessory title due to lack of registration - the land has been in the family for 50years and I dont doubt the seller but my concern is when we come to sell t...

  • Straightforward Property Purchase By Guest on 12/06/2014

    Derelict Property is next door to my house and offered as straightforward purchase. What is involved for me to D-I-Y purchase please?...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • What does this mean? By Guest on 10/06/2014

    we are hoping to buy a property with a big garden the estate agent believes that the land is listed a paddock land - i have looked at the title deeds and it reads like this
    A Conveyance of the land in this title and other land
    dated 2 March 1970 m...

    Land Registry
  • negative equity By Guest on 09/06/2014

    if on sale, there is still money owed to the building society, can I still complete the sale and make arrangements to pay the different direct to my building society mortgage lender? Or do I have to have all the monies with the solicitor before completion...

  • sale of single garage in block By Guest on 07/06/2014

    Can both parties agree on DIY conveyancing when transferring a block garage worth £12000 please ?...

  • Missing Information Policy By Guest on 04/06/2014

    I am buying a house that comes with a small patch of land at the bottom of the garden under a separate title number. The deeds for this patch of land are missing and my solicitor has provided a quote for a Missing Information insurance policy. The quote i...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • Transfer Deeds to Parent By Guest on 03/06/2014

    Hi, are there any tax implications in transferring the deeds of my house to my mother? There is no mortgage on the property? Kindest Regards...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Can we borrow from a business By Guest on 24/05/2014

    Can we borrow from a business overdraft to help fund our purchase?...

