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  • who can help me fill forms FR1 By Guest on 26/04/2014

    who can help me fill forms FR1 and ST1 please...

    Land Registry
  • I want a specimen contract sal By Guest on 25/04/2014

    specimen contract for sale of land...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Change of Freehold owner By Guest on 25/04/2014

    Hi. I live in a 4-property freehold. My residence is currently in the name of my mother. I am planning to move and (obviously!) with the consent of my mother, would like to sign the property over into my name prior to sale. What is the procedure for this?...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Conveyancing Contract By Guest on 22/04/2014

    Please could you tell me if your conveyancing contract (£7.50) for freehold registered land is a downloadable form, or do you send a paper one?
    Also, please confirm it has nothing written across it, like SPECIMEN.
    Many thanks,

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Gone pass LSD... What happens By Guest on 26/03/2014

    Do we get compensation?...

  • 46 By Guest on 24/03/2014

    I need to get an ID1 form siged. According to the form and to your webiste, a barrister, lawyer or legal executive can certify my identity, but do they need to be qualified in propertly law in order to do this, can they specialise in e.g. criminal law and...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Notice of Assignment By Guest on 24/03/2014

    Who should be dealing with the Notice of the Assignment and who should be paying the fee. ...

  • Form AN1 By Guest on 14/03/2014

    Can a single form AN1 be used to register an agreed notice in favour of two beneficiaries. For example where a couple, being the registered owners of a property, give each other an option to purchase....

    Land Registry
  • Dissolved Management Company By Guest on 13/03/2014


    We are in the process of buying a house which is a leasehold. Everything was going to plan until it came to light that the freeholder, a limited management company, had dissolved in 2006 and didn't release the freehold. Therefore, it has become bo...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • Do I require a solicitor By Guest on 04/03/2014

    Must I hire a solicitor to sell a property....

