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  • Can I transfer the mortgage on our jointly owned property into my name only By Guest on 20/06/2015

    My daughter and I jointly own a house which she has lived in for eight years. She has recently married and has found a house which she wishes to buy with her husband. As houses are taking so long to sell I have offered as joint owner to take on the mortga...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Freeholder absence By Guest on 19/06/2015

    I found a leasehold property, my offer was excepted.however, the state agent informed me that freeholder has lost interest in the property and no longer collect the ground rent.what would you advice to do in this situation? Is it safe to purchase this pro...

    Landlord & Leases
  • whose responsibility is it to obtain a build off notice By Guest on 18/06/2015

    please can you answer the above

    Planning & Building Regs
  • By signing the Mortgage deed as 'Occupier' what are my legal rights? By Guest on 18/06/2015

    My boyfriend is buying a house for himself and myself as we have a baby on the way. He has come to me with the mortgage deed to sign and the way it is worded insinuates that I would have no interest in the property against the Lender.
    I just need to know ...

  • Shared Ownership Sale of Leasehold flat - simultaneous staircasing By Guest on 17/06/2015

    Hi there I bought 40% of my flat 8 years ago through a 'Shared Ownership' scheme and am now looking to sell. My housing association has given me the option to sell my share or to sell 100% by completing simultaneous stair-casing. I am thinking if I do the...

  • register a restriction By Guest on 17/06/2015

    dear sir/madam,

    In 2007 I bought freehold property on mortgage in ipswich in my wife's sole name, since the day one i have been paying all mortgage payments, home insurance, all repairs and refurbishments etc etc not to mention the initial deposit money ...

    Land Registry
  • leasehold pack By Guest on 17/06/2015

    My offer was accepted on a leasehold property. My solicitor has requested a leasehold pack from the seller's solicitors and is adamant the seller should pay. The seller has refused to pay for this pack and said we should contact the Management Company our...

  • Access residential property By Guest on 16/06/2015

    Buying property with shared driveway,with no document to support this in deeds. Present owners there 15 yrs with no problems. Access has been shared since 1956. A statutory declaration has been offered by vendors solucitor, but my solicitor says i also ne...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • Establishing legal title by convyancers By Guest on 16/06/2015

    I would like to ask whether it is the responsibility of the seller's conveyancing solicitor to establish the chain of ownership and legal title to the property being sold or does this fall to the buyer's solicitor?

    Thank you....

    Land Registry
  • common land By Guest on 15/06/2015

    If my driveway doesn't abut the highway and a ditch we drive over is common land what can I do?...

