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  • Absent landlord on a leasehold property By Guest on 30/07/2015

    The house we are buying apparently has an absent landlord however the vendor and her neighbours have set up a Right to manage Company. Our solicitor says this is still defective title and that our mortgage lender wouldn't release the money on this basis ...

    Landlord & Leases
  • By Guest on 29/07/2015


    Land Registry
  • Removing my husbands name from the title deeds of the house By Guest on 28/07/2015

    My husband wants to remove his name from the joint ownership of our house in my favour. There is no loan on the house. He has estranged children and as I have contributed the miss he wants the house to be mine...

    Land Registry
  • Two registered charge entries on land register By Guest on 27/07/2015

    We are now remortgaging and the solicitor of the lender said that aside from the current lender from which we took out our mortgage. Does this mean we also owe money on the first registered charge? Even of we were never involved with it? Shouldn't it have...

  • Trasnfer of share of freehold (TR1) By Guest on 26/07/2015

    Hi there,
    I solely hold a 50% share of freehold of a 3 flat building, alongside one other (Mr B) who holds the other 50%. I am in the process of selling to a unmarried couple - Mr C and Ms D.
    On the proposed TR1 form under section 5 the new names are Mr ...

  • Rtb flat lease 125 years By Guest on 26/07/2015

    Hi, which land registry forms do I fill in once I receive the lease document from the landlord/council. The property is a flat, lease for 125 years. There is no mortgage involved as I am paying the full price. I am buying through my Right to Buy from the...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Taansfer of title to one party in a joint ownership with mortgage, no money involved By Guest on 24/07/2015

    My wife and jointly own a property which is on joint mortgage with 60% LTV. My wife and I want the property fully in my name since she has another property solely in her name. No money is involved. Q1. Can we do this change in the land registry by ourselv...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • consolidation of titles after combining flats and cellar By Guest on 23/07/2015

    I have three leasehold titles from two flats and an underlying cellar now combined into one flat with contiguous cellar. Landlord approved the combination. I wish to reduce the titles to one for ease in future dealings....

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Probate or not By Guest on 21/07/2015

    I bought my mums house and at the same time she became the 99 year leaseholder. She has since died and I was the executor of her will and this was all sorted out a number of years ago. I spoke to my solicitor recently and he advises before I can sell the ...

  • Section 157 housing act 1985 By Guest on 21/07/2015

    Can I have a section 157 housing act 1985 clause removed from the title absolute of my property to enable it to be sold to someone from outside the area? If this is possible could you please recommend how this is done? ...

    Land Registry
